Federal Communications Commission

Official Receipt of Withdrawal of Application
Withdrawal ID WTH20210827140815980
Withdrawal Date 08/27/2021 02:08:15:980 PM
FRN 0004984340
File Number SES-STA-20200218-00164
Applicant Name Universal Space Network, Inc.
IB Submission ID IB2020000396
Description of Application USN requests and STA for our Alaska ground station to be used for LEOP and backup support of the UAE Falconeye-2 spacecraft for upto 30 days. Support will consist of LEOP TT&C for the first 7 days and at least one pass support per week for the balance of 30 days.
Filed on 02/18/2020 01:11:31:952 PM
Date of Public Notice
As requested by Dave Massey - Chief technologist
(Name and Title of company official)
As requested by the above entity, the referenced application has been withdrawn. The application is not a GSO-like license application and is therefore not eligible for an application fee refund pursuant to Section 1.1113(d) of the Rules.