Federal Communications Commission

Official Receipt of Withdrawal of Application
Withdrawal ID WTH2018061894449706
Withdrawal Date 06/18/2018 09:44:49:706 AM
FRN 0007282312
File Number SES-REG-INTR2018-02052
Applicant Name Mediacom Communications Corporation
IB Submission ID IB2018002052
Description of Application This location includes antenna that are used only for the reception of analog and digital video from U.S. licensed satellites.
Filed on 06/01/2018 03:05:17:092 PM
Date of Public Notice
As requested by Donald Dettman - VP, Engineering
(Name and Title of company official)
As requested by the above entity, the referenced application has been withdrawn. The application is not a GSO-like license application and is therefore not eligible for an application fee refund pursuant to Section 1.1113(d) of the Rules.