Federal Communications Commission

Official Receipt of Withdrawal of Application
Withdrawal ID WTH20200211101608020
Withdrawal Date 02/11/2020 10:16:08:020 AM
FRN 0027737741
File Number SES-MOD-20200124-00075
Applicant Name Maris Developments
IB Submission ID IB2020000191
Callsign E181611
Description of Application Applicant seeks authorization to conduct long-term, intermittent, low-powered emission tests towards low earth orbit using the 2052 MHz frequency at 20W.
Filed on 01/24/2020 03:18:47:620 PM
Date of Public Notice
As requested by A. Miller - Engineer
(Name and Title of company official)
As requested by the above entity, the referenced application has been withdrawn. The application is not a GSO-like license application and is therefore not eligible for an application fee refund pursuant to Section 1.1113(d) of the Rules.