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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextG5Explanatory Text % 0Good;Good  a%1 Heading 1G Heading 1 I}%O2 Heading 2G Heading 2 I}%?3 Heading 3G Heading 3 I}%234 Heading 49 Heading 4 I}% 5InputuInput ̙ ??v% 6 Linked CellK Linked Cell }% 7NeutralANeutral  e%"Normal 8Noteb Note   9OutputwOutput  ???%????????? ???:$Percent ;Title1Title I}% <TotalMTotal %OO= Warning Text? Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`_Sheet18Sheet2Sheet38ZR3 A@@  4~qmetersAntenna Diameter (D1):MHzOperating Frequency:dBiNumerical Gain:wattsWavelength (l):  mW/cm^2VmW/cm^2 for General Population/Uncontrolled and Occupational/Controlled environments, mW/cm^2 andmeters^2! distance of approximately4 meters from the antenna. The maximum main beam RF  region extending meters, beginning at meters and ending  - at mid-point of Rt6note: where 'R' is the point-of-interest within the Rt!Center height above ground level:System ParametersHazard AssessmentHazard Assessment - ContinuedAntenna Surface Area (D1a): Conclusion St = Snf * Rnf / R = Performed by:Date: Phone No.%AT&T / EH&S - Radiation Safety OfficeJBased upon the following system parameters, the applicable MPE limits are:; F mThis report summarizes the non-ionizing radiofrequency (RF) exposure levels associated with the above antenna_Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 65 iEdition 97-01 (August 1997). The FCC-exposure limits define the level of RF energy that a person may be lbe exposed (General Population/Uncontrolled) and the other for exposure situations usually involving workersu 2. The near field (Rnf) region is determined by the following equation: D^2/ 4l . This equates to a linear W \ t U1. The far field (Rff) region is determined by the following equation: 0.6 D^2/l . Q  This equates to a linear { ** The transition (Rt) region is between the near-field and far-field regions, defined as Rff - Rnf. This equates to a MPE limit. Opreparation and submission of an Environmental Assessment (EA) is not required.lto RF levels in excess of the applicable MPE limits. Therefore, in accordance with 47 CFR Part 1.1307 (b), 1respectively, as specified in 47 CFR Part 1.1310. Transmit Power @ Antenna Input*:  *Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation Hazard Study6Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation Hazard Study - ContinueddThe results of this study indicate that accessible ground level areas, surrounding the antenna base oThis study concludes that operation of this satellite earth station will not expose workers or public members ` (Snf), in terms of power density units, within this region can be calculated as follows:$ can be calculated as follows:qas Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit, is comprised of two-tiers: one for conditions which the public may icontinuously exposed without experiencing adverse health effects. This "safe" level, herein referred to f(Occupational/Controlled). Therefore, the intent of this study is to define the maximum "worst-case" jsystem. RF prediction models and associated exposure limits referenced in this study are outlined in the SRF exposure levels and compare the results relative to the applicable MPE limits. j exposure level (Sff), in terms of power density units, at this point can be calculated as follows:8 meters from the antenna. The maximum RF exposure level<on where the point-of-interest falls within these regions: nthe main-beam (on-axis) path: near-field, transition, and far-field regions. RF prediction methods are basedDE oFor parabolic aperture antennas, three (3) regions are defined for predicting maximum RF exposure levels withinSnf = 0.4nP/ D1a =   nFor evaluating accessible areas outside the main beam path, a practical estimation is to consider the maximum rallowable gain pattern envelope for fixed-satellite services. Specifically, the antenna gain shall lie below the senvelope defined as -10 dBi for angles greater than 48 degrees and less than/equal to 180 degrees from the main & Sff = PG / 40p(Rff)^2 =  3 Spoi = PG/40p(R)^2 =  meters B(Assume maximum value maintained throughout the near field region)s from the antenna. While the exposure intensity decreases inversely with the square of the distance in the Hazard Assessment - SummaryRegion(Summary of Calculated RF Exposure Levels Assessment C. Rim of Main Reflector =  Smain-surface = 0.4*P / D1a =  E. Area below Antenna Rim =  meters, =} far field region, the exposure intensity decreases inversely with distance in the transition region. Therefore, the w maximum RF exposure level in the transition region will not exceed the above calculated near field value (Snf).| If the point-of-interest falls within the transition region, the estimated RF exposure level (St), in terms of powerT density units, can be calculated using the following mid-point (Rt) example: B. Near Field (Rnf), 9 power density units, can be calculated as follows: 5.v 3. The maximum RF exposure level (Smain-surface) in front of the main reflector surface (at rim), in terms of cdirected towards this region (Spoi), in terms of power density units, can be calculated as follows:jlobe axis. In considering areas immediately below the main reflector rim, the maximum RF exposure levels #Calculated Aperture Efficiency (n): !  Level (mW/cm^2)Antenna Gain (G), @ 6175 MHz:[maintenance/service activities occurring within the main reflector or subreflector regions.1equates (in this case) to a centerline distance: INote: where 'R' is the point-of-interest is just below antenna rim, which A. Far Field (Rff), land horizontal to the main beam axis, do not exceed the most restrictive FCC-General Population/Uncontrolledvwhich are typically inaccessible during normal operations. To ensure compliance with the FCC Occupational/Controlled mMPE limit, these areas shall be controlled (restricted access) and the antenna system de-energized during any dBW maximum.Feed horn Surface Area (D2a):Feed horn Diameter (D2):kThis prime focus antenna design uses a focal-point feed horn to direct RF energy towards the main reflectorqdish. The following calculations are used to predict the RF exposure levels at the main reflector surface and feed horn aperture:k 4. The maximum RF exposure level at the feed horn surface (Sfeed), in terms of power density units,Sfeed = 0.4*P / D2a = qThe highest RF exposure levels are isolated to regions located between the feed horn and main reflector surface, K study, this equates to an aggregate output EIRP for all carriers of  D. Feed Horn Surface =  407 277-1641Kimberly A. Kantner, RRPTi by at least a factor of 2 (3 dB minimum output backoff, transmission loss, etc.). For purposes ofl * Based on 50 W maximum power amplifier rating, where the actual operating power level will be reduced  ,License No. E5419: Egegik, AK (AT&T Alascom)z6 .788)9g:==?B EGu I}[K}MOQ cc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VACMȉ<&J &M5BNe tY>?#!mfKx=[Ԃu}ˆ ~umoLz^W/}ةLo;9iwk/_tV[,ac߬56YvYp1ϡAz 9ۮ7ެe ."Zk1~EȰ RӔ/x$( :7vʗsSj{"bF^x^xz?>~,ɸ7Gg_zy5^|?}V I򋧿>O~I|SQ>19D{<Ÿ8ߊaG@tOE*\ʻ/ yToN:"1Q(v; y4<$jbRa|PŻǴI Y3wJG݈8b2(<& QHT^w/B(`Z!94[Mc˴j`jG7;Q]o YC5*CocU 9 IQ/ RV+`%*;æWѼ9/#~7qZ$*cߓrUngN>%OOi Dh[BvoLJƌB6>p&>w O]>_x.eywQ,5,^<ؾt&9 ԔEЇIIqhJ#f6kAS&2D)p3ӕ5teO`jvzEOG)9cshger-# ~fu-ԙՍh&9܊- 6 AлY3hX"M$#Fz6#b.w*lyhĭɾ̮]nR3+=,)'Kak.zi X 8Ka6!_ 5[ M܆< kW Ds/Z/j@&8?&5- C⫲K3Zw1K|D!`~J0A?Uֶy&,Xg1K#[y$[BTV)bBRvVt=낕@[\׶Dž8d4~_@`rx \kp*O69mY&ԧ HE]HKN!Vj%2BƣJԊ=" u\ӵC&Y0>g4&oN)j rihr"VTU,koy#ŬjQJpRk3܎Ws;ɢ!JT~u "֠ۀW_ Nq֙4)ڬuZˋw֒TvќXHegvtm,{2Da*20V=CoOQ2'@C8D.IrG[Ȥiࠆ)d͛|?&f9>b|w##(ɇ"C *_p=ce΂aenv*Wm瓗{varAˇ$IDpKs6* ʢG0egAnlCYt֏$Ysă)2|FS` uz'Xr*󠍒F`Bi m/Ҷj9Xrmox86tFo˜ b`>ASDbƟPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!ÄA theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  g2 $ep}zHX  dMbP?_*+%1.&L&"Arial,Italic"February, 2005&CPage &P of &N&?'(?)?MBrother MFC-8220 USBC od,,LetterDINU"(di{ (SMTJBrother MFC-8220 USBInputBinAUTORESDLLUniresDLLOrientationPORTRAITTonerSaveOemDocPropPaperSizeLETTERHalftoneHT_PATSIZE_AUTOResolutionOption2SecurePrintOffPaperWidthOffMediaTypeSTANDARDPaperCmdOption1IURBAA"d,,??&U} q }  } q }  } }    @ ,@ Y@  @                @  @            @  @YIIIIIIIIR , p STTTTTTTTL  5 J DDDDDDDDL J!DDDDDDDDL J3DDDDDDDDL J2 DDDDDDDDL J" DDDDDDDDL J4 DDDDDDDDL J6 DDDDDDDDL  JDDDDDDDDL ;[?%D DB D  L;\@a%D D,B D DDDDDDDL J*DDDDDDDDL    ~ c@ F  ,AI/@rADAQ  L c XQ? 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