File Number: SES-LIC-20070710-00922 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: 07/18/2007 | Callsign: E070142 | Action Taken PN Date: 11/22/2017 | Streamlined: N/A | Term Begin Date: 08/20/2007 | Environmental Impact: N | Term End Date: 08/20/2022 | Status: Action Taken Public Notice | Date Filed: 07/10/2007 | Red Light: N | | Status Date: 11/22/2017 | | Last Action: Surrender of Authorization | Last Action Date: 11/08/2017 | Grant Date: 08/20/2007 | Bond Date: None | DA #: None | Adopted Date: 11/21/2017 | Released Date: 11/21/2017 | Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service
Applicant: | Contact: THE WEATHER CHANNEL, INC. | Weather Group Television, LLC | THE WEATHER CHANNEL, INC. | 300 Interstate North Parkway | 300 INTERSTATE NORTH PARKWAY | | | Atlanta, GA 30339- USA | ATLANTA, GA 30339 USA
Description: The Weather Channel seeks to license a transportable, Ku-band transmit-receive earth station. The earth station will be used to provide news and events coverage throughout the United States. The earth station will provide digital video, voice, and data op |