File Number: SES-ASG-20020726-01259 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: None | Callsign: E000321 | Action Taken PN Date: 08/14/2002 | Streamlined: N/A | Term Begin Date: None | Environmental Impact: N | Term End Date: None | Status: Action Complete | Date Filed: 07/26/2002 | Red Light: | | Status Date: 08/14/2002 | | Last Action: Consummated | Last Action Date: 08/14/2002 | Grant Date: 08/07/2002 | Bond Date: None | DA #: None | Adopted Date: 08/13/2002 | Released Date: 08/13/2002 | Nature of Service: Domestic Fixed Satellite Service
Applicant: | Contact: | Loral Skynet Network Services, Inc. | WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER | 500 HILLS DRIVE | 1875 K STREET, NW | PO BOX 7018 | | BEDMINSTER, NJ 07921-7018 USA | WASHINGTON, DC 20006 USA
Description: Assignment of license from Loral Orion, Inc. (formerly Loral Cyberstar, Inc.) to Loral CyberStar, Inc. (formerly Loral Cyberstar Data Services Corporation). |
FROM: | TO: | LORAL ORION, INC. (FORMERLY LORAL CYBERSTAR, INC.) | Loral Skynet Network Services, Inc.
| 1755 JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY., SUITE 1007 | 1755 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
| | Suite 1007
| ARLINGTON, VA 22202 USA | Arlington, VA 22202-3501 USA