File Number: SCL-MOD-20021219-00107 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: 12/23/2002 | Callsign: None | Action Taken PN Date: 01/23/2003 | Streamlined: N | Term Begin Date: None | Environmental Impact: None | Term End Date: None | Status: Administrative Correction | Date Filed: 12/19/2002 | Red Light: | | Status Date: 07/28/2020 | | Last Action: Grant of Authority | Last Action Date: 01/22/2003 | Grant Date: 01/22/2003 | Bond Date: None | DA #: 03-189 | Adopted Date: 01/23/2003 | Released Date: 01/23/2003 |
Applicant: | Contact: None | Genuity Telecom Inc., Debtor-in-Possession | MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP | 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. | 425 MARKET STREET | Suite 5500 | | Washington, DC 20006-1888 USA | SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-2482 USA
Description: Application seeking to modify the Americas-II submarine cable landing license granted in File No. SCL-98-003 & SCL-98-003A to remove Genuity Telecom Inc. as a licensee from the cable landing license pursuant to 47 C.F.R. section 1.767(h)(2) and the Submar |