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Print #2, "Set CurDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)" Print #2, ""$ Print #2, "On Error Resume Next" Print #2, ""U Print #2, "Set NewTab = CurDB.CreateTableDef(" + DoubleQ + T.Name + DoubleQ + ")"1 Print #2, "NewTab.Connect = " + ConnectString1 Print #2, "NewTab.SourceTableName = " + TName- Print #2, "CurDB.TableDefs.Append NewTab"3 Print #2, "NewTab.Attributes = " + T.Attributes1 Print #2, "NewTab.SourceTableName = " + TName1 Print #2, "NewTab.Updatable = " + T.Updatable; Print #2, "NewTab.ValidationRule = " + T.ValidationRule; Print #2, "NewTab.ValidationText = " + T.ValidationTextE Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFonLVAL tHeight = " + T.DataSheetFontHeightE Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFontItalic = " + T.DataSheetFontItalicA Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFontName = " + T.DataSheetFontNameK Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFontUnderline = " + T.DataSheetFontUnderlineE Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFontWeight = " + T.DataSheetFontWeightG Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetDescription = " + T.DataSheetDescriptionK Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFrozenColumns = " + T.DataSheetFrozenColumnsC Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetRowHeight = " + T.DataSheetRowHeightA Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetShowGrid = " + T.DataSheetShowGrid Print #2, ""# For i = 0 To T.Fields.Count - 1O LValue = "NewTab.Fields(" + DoubleQ + T.Fields(i).Name + DoubleQ + ").", FName = IngresName(T.Fields(i).Name)N Print #2, lString + "AllowZeroLength = " + T.Fields(i).AllowZeroLengthD Print #2, lString + "Attributes = " + T.Fields(i).AttributesL Print #2, lString + "CollatingOrder = " + T.Fields(i).CollatingOrderJ Print #2, lString + "DataUpdatable = " + T.Fields(i).DataUpdatableH Print #2, lString + "DefaultValue = " + T.Fields(i).DefaultValueF Print #2, lString + "ForeignName = " + T.Fields(i).ForeignNameN Print #2, lString + "OrdinalPosition = " + T.Fields(i).OrdinalPosition@ Print #2, lString + "Required = " + T.Fields(i).Required8 Print #2, lString + "Size = " + T.Fields(i).Size: Print #2, lString + "FName = " + T.Fields(i).FName4 Print #2, lString + "SourceTable = " + TName8 Print #2, lString + "Type = " + T.Fields(i).TypeJ Print #2, lString + "ValidateOnSet = " + T.Fields(i).ValidateOnSetL Print #2, lString + "ValidationRule = " + T.Fields(i).ValidationRuleL Print #2, lString + "ValidationText = " + T.Fields(i).ValidationText> Print #2, lString + "Caption = " + T.Fields(i).CaptionH Print #2, lString + "ColumnHidden = " + T.Fields(i).ColumnHiddenF Print #2, lString + "ColumnOrder = " + T.Fields(i).ColumnOrderF Print #2, lString + "ColumnWidth = " + T.Fields(i).ColumnWidthJ Print #2, lString + "DecimalPlaces = " + T.Fields(i).DecimalPlacesF Print #2, lString + "Description = " + T.Fields(i).Description< Print #2, lString + "Format = " + T.Fields(i).FormatB Print #2, lString + "InputMask = " + T.Fields(i).InputMask Next iK Print #2, "CurDB.TableDefs(" + DoubleQ + T.Name + DoubleQ + ").Refresh"  u   l  Z   Z 0 $ z $ z' ' $Fsg ' $ Fsg $ '  ' Fsg $  F   $ ' g  }'    $     $ '   }' 'f RRRHR\Attribute VB_Name = "ax2ing" Option Compare Database 'Ud 2Px\RefhLink#y(88_." + Tri m$(StEI)DiP B 7. , ,q_ )r+ #p3 3: Debu$g. "of 1t676 [ċS: FNotSupportedDA(T%tez$T."Q=#bQM_MEMO#0O_LONGBINARY 0o =pu|"Gs"|c9Fa₱ =  65y#1, "/*8C**o S?s toUINGRES 6.4dM'.E:ЦNown AUTHORe ru  ' */?\sM .Z\leoSE@.UTOCOMMIT ON/\p\1}33A".(F2, T6叵`PrԷS, FBQ:'Of!/"* FName = F.n LPrBufLIngres@(L) @'!' Field Data TypeGZSelect Case (|F..]v DB_BOOLEAIfAttributes AnB_VARIA)FIELD T8hen= @ CHAR" (ATrim@$(Str$Size)))&AElsAs3 IfY!,!' Never reach here becauj the t@v checking was doneH aldy#' MEMO a BLOB da~a not supported by 6.4!GoTo+ocA"_ExitE ~?_** %~aA_8cL(TD"auth_*r") Or descripto!NoANOT NULL WITH DEFAULTJI"\Requir- F.]AUTOINCR]W'a:Te'PrD@`B >BdYAD Functio v rrorResuK ePValue(v As Variant)h=Is)lFFormat$("dd/mm/yy", CVka ba''  " ]SuboreignInde0x(Ixq, Tab/PPD#um3teger, IdxN* Dim Ifirst_ti@ $InWi5Cl/2K31SGOrd0N, *a! , (= T kuniquel c"CRE@v UNIQUEDEXp+8, 9lnum>) a@INOOOBaC i#1,0y_sk)_y'y ONz ( gJww<> "+"/rPr5 "a! ASC";#AI-= "SSTRUCTUREDbtree O/DEhash 4Fa* ,]{ !3H  "ڃS Y0 SNext ISY )0(.\p\gdg_bg0bTez_g? 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CREATE TABLE   (  n % $ 'a, n % $ h n )\p\g=************************************************************* Copy Table=*************************************************************' n !! n %!$j' n %!D'a` WITH NULL ('#NULL#')'h8  COPY TABLE   ( !!   = ^ c0 b ^ a  = c0nl h`'aP n !! ,  = ^ c0 b ^ a,  = c0nl hhx n ) FROM ^ $  ^ WITH ON_ERROR = CONTINUE,LOG = ^  .bad ^ , ROLLBACK = DISABLED\p\g=************************************************************* Primary key Index=************************************************************* n !! n %!F n %  A@a n %   nA@hh n=************************************************************* Export data into file=*************************************************************  !  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Print #2, "Set CurDB = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)" Print #2, ""$ Print #2, "On Error Resume Next" Print #2, ""U Print #2, "Set NewTab = CurDB.CreateTableDef(" + DoubleQ + T.Name + DoubleQ + ")"1 Print #2, "NewTab.Connect = " + ConnectString1 Print #2, "NewTab.SourceTableName = " + TName- Print #2, "CurDB.TableDefs.Append NewTab"3 Print #2, "NewTab.Attributes = " + T.Attributes1 Print #2, "NewTab.SourceTableName = " + TName1 Print #2, "NewTab.Updatable = " + T.Updatable; Print #2, "NewTab.ValidationRule = " + T.ValidationRule; Print #2, "NewTab.ValidationText = " + T.ValidationTextE Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFonLVALtHeight = " + T.DataSheetFontHeightE Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFontItalic = " + T.DataSheetFontItalicA Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFontName = " + T.DataSheetFontNameK Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFontUnderline = " + T.DataSheetFontUnderlineE Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFontWeight = " + T.DataSheetFontWeightG Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetDescription = " + T.DataSheetDescriptionK Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetFrozenColumns = " + T.DataSheetFrozenColumnsC Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetRowHeight = " + T.DataSheetRowHeightA Print #2, "NewTab.DataSheetShowGrid = " + T.DataSheetShowGrid Print #2, ""# For i = 0 To T.Fields.Count - 1O LValue = "NewTab.Fields(" + DoubleQ + T.Fields(i).Name + DoubleQ + ").", FName = IngresName(T.Fields(i).Name)N Print #2, lString + "AllowZeroLength = " + T.Fields(i).AllowZeroLengthD Print #2, lString + "Attributes = " + T.Fields(i).AttributesL Print #2, lString + "CollatingOrder = " + T.Fields(i).CollatingOrderJ Print #2, lString + "DataUpdatable = " + T.Fields(i).DataUpdatableH Print #2, lString + "DefaultValue = " + T.Fields(i).DefaultValueF Print #2, lString + "ForeignName = " + T.Fields(i).ForeignNameN Print #2, lString + "OrdinalPosition = " + T.Fields(i).OrdinalPosition@ Print #2, lString + "Required = " + T.Fields(i).Required8 Print #2, lString + "Size = " + T.Fields(i).Size: Print #2, lString + "FName = " + T.Fields(i).FName4 Print #2, lString + "SourceTable = " + TName8 Print #2, lString + "Type = " + T.Fields(i).TypeJ Print #2, lString + "ValidateOnSet = " + T.Fields(i).ValidateOnSetL Print #2, lString + "ValidationRule = " + T.Fields(i).ValidationRuleL Print #2, lString + "ValidationText = " + T.Fields(i).ValidationText> Print #2, lString + "Caption = " + T.Fields(i).CaptionH Print #2, lString + "ColumnHidden = " + T.Fields(i).ColumnHiddenF Print #2, lString + "ColumnOrder = " + T.Fields(i).ColumnOrderF Print #2, lString + "ColumnWidth = " + T.Fields(i).ColumnWidthJ Print #2, lString + "DecimalPlaces = " + T.Fields(i).DecimalPlacesF Print #2, lString + "Description = " + T.Fields(i).Description< Print #2, lString + "Format = " + T.Fields(i).FormatB Print #2, lString + "InputMask = " + T.Fields(i).InputMask Next iK Print #2, "CurDB.TableDefs(" + DoubleQ + T.Name + DoubleQ + ").Refresh"  u   l  Z   Z 0 $ z $ z' ' $Fsg ' $ Fsg $ '  ' Fsg $  F   $ ' g  }'    $     $ '   }' 'f RRRHR]Attribute VB_Name = "acc2ing" Option Compare Database ( 'Ud 2Px\RefhLin~k#y(88_." + Tr@im$(StEIv)DiP B 7.i , ,q_ g)r+ #p33: DebHug. "of 1t676 [ċS : FNotSupportedDA(T%tez$T."Q=#bQM_MEMO#0O_LONGBINARY 0o =pu|"Gs"|csFa₱ z  65y#1, "/*8OC**o !S?s toUINGRES 6.4OdM.E:ЦN own AUTHORe ru O  */?\jsM .Z\%leoSE@.UTOCOMMIT ON/\p\1g}3A".(F2,< T6叵`PrԷS, FBQ:'Of!/"* FName = F.n LPrBufLIngres@(L) @'>C Field Data TypeGZSelect Case (|F..]v DB_BOOLEAIfAttributes AnB_VARIA)FIELD T8hen= @ CHAR" (ATrim@$(Str$Size)))&AElsAs3 IfY!,!' Never reach here becauj the t@v checking was doneH aldy#' MEMO a BLOB da~a not supported by 6.4!GoTo+ocA"_ExitEO ~?_** '$aA_8cL(TD"auth_*r") Or descri8pto!NoANOT NULL WITH DEFA8ULTJI"\Re0quir- F.]AUTOINCR]W'a:Te'PrD@`B >BdYAD Funct$io v rrorResu?K ePValue(v As Variantf)h=Is)lFFormat$("dd/mm/yy", CVka ba'' D ]SuboreignInd`ex(Ixq, Tab/PPD #um3teger, IdxN*ADim Ifirst_ti@I InWi5C^l2K31SGOrd0N, /*a! , (= xTru[P = 0 KIx.Ks.Count - 1Sa=4OA(I)Rh' = Lef", 1`wP> kuniquel c"CRE@v UNIQUEDEXp+q, 9lnu|m) a@INOOOBaC i#1,0y_sk)_y'y ONz ( gJww<> "+"/rPr5 "a! 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fLVALvMR2OrientationOrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControl FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    O %җ      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m   pfd   8 0power flux density value   m  freq_min   V Nlower frequency limit of the band [MHz]   m  freq_max   V Nupper frequency limit of the band [MHz]   m   bdwdth   h `bandwidth (in kHz) over which pfd was calculated   m   ra_stn_type   | ttype of radio astronomy station: S - single-dish, V - VLBI   m     change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALc MR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    &HE|      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice    m  (seq_cmr    sequence number of the commercial system pertaining to the network submitted on the notice    m   grp_id   T Lunique identifier of the group (Res49)    m  change_ts   ( timestamp column  Now()      MR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr     DaXA Hp#      grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m  seq_emiss   D <sequence number of th emission   m  freq_carr   8 0carrier frequency in MHz   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      KvcP<) y  e R ? +   { h T A . }jWC0 lYF2 o[H5  Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp  ~ ~ Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp ~ { { Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp { v v Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp v s s Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp s o o Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp o l l Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp l h h Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp h e e 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LVAL&MR2OrientationOrderByOnDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePickerValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTags         B  B      B  B   #b+Df# ntc_id      m     itu_scraft_id      m     seq_no      m     reg_st      m       d_reg_st           rsn_susp      m       j wic_no      m  change_ts   ( $ timestamp column ( Now()      LVALMR2RecordLocksODBCTimeoutMaxRecords FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDescriptionDefaultView  <  ^ Vdummy query for when container is read-only MR2OrientationOrderByOnDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUIDDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTags         B  B      B  B   #hCW֐ ntc_id      m     itu_scraft_id      m    d_reg_st            reg_st      m       rsn_susp      m       change_ts   ( $ timestamp column ( Now()       LVALO0MR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    T8DRĚ"      ntc_id   J B unique identifier of the notice   m  ntwk_name   h ` commercial name of the satellite network system    m       seq_no   & sequence number   m  lsp_name   N Fname of the launch service provider    m      vehicle   < 4name of the launch vehicle    m       d_exe   X Pdate of execution of the launch contract      d_deliv_fr    starting limit of the anticipated launch or in-orbit "delivery window"      d_deliv_to    end limit of the anticipated launch or in-orbit "delivery window"      facility   > 6name of the launch facility    m      mfct_name   8 0name of the manufacturer    m      d_exe_m   J Bdate of execution of the contract      d_deliv_fr_m   p hstarting limit of the contractual "delivery window"      d_deliv_to_m   f ^end limit of the contractual "delivery window"      nbr_sat   @ 8number of satellite procured   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALnMR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength FormatDefaultValueValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByInputMaskCaption$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr     R&CiF      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m  ntc_type   ~ vcode indicating if the notice is of a geostationary satellite [G], non-geostationary satellite [N] , specific earth station [S], typical earth station [T] or radio astronomy station [R]   m     %adm_ref_id    reference identifier of the notice given by the notifying administration   m     act_code   p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity   m      adm   d \country symbol of the notifying administration   m     qntwk_org    symbol of the organization operating regional or international networks (Table No. B2 of the Preface to the IFL)   m      d_rcv   B :date of receipt of the notice Short Date      wic_part    the part of the WIC in which the notice was most recently published   m      wic_no    the number of the WIC in which the notice was most recently published   m  Intf_rsn    code indicating that the notice has been submitted under RR1488 [N], RR1060 [C] or RR1107 [D]   m     sat_name   : 2name of the space station   m     long_nom   oLVAL nominal longitude of the space station, give '-' for West '+' for East   m  stn_name   : 2name of the earth station   m     long_dec   V Nlongitude in degrees with four decimals   m  prov    |provision of the RR according to which the notice is submitted   m     tgt_ntc_id   r jidentifier of the notice to be modified or suppressed   m   st_cur   h `current processing status of the the transaction   m     plan_id   @ 8identifier of the space plan   m     ctry      m symbol of the country or geographical area in which the station is located     lat_dec   T Llatitude in degrees with four decimals   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      LVALMR2OrientationOrderByOnDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUID FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsShowDatePickerr         @sC[AG+;& grp_id     D <unique identifier of the group     m  diag_type     . &type of the diagram    m     diag_no     2 *number of the diagram     m  attch_no     * "attachment number     m  change_ts     ( timestamp column  Now()       MR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr     9zɶwKnO4.8l      grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m  seq_gpub   R Jsequence number of the gpub_ssn entry   m  ?d_invoice    invoice expiry date for the upfront cost recovery or Special section publicationcost recoveryt      [f_invoice    flag to indicate that the upfront cost recovery or the Special Section cost recovery fees were paid   m     change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthDecimalPlacesValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickeremi_rcp    code identifying a beam as either transmitting [E] or receiving [R]   m     act_code   p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity   m      bmwdth   T Lbeamwidth of the earth station antenna   m   attch_e    number of the attachment for the co-polar antenna radiation pattern diagram   m  gain   n fmaximum isotropic gain of the earth station antenna   m   ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m  f_fdg_reqd     T Lcode indicating if finding is required m     cmp_ntc_id     n fntc_id of the second beam if two beams are compared m  f_cmp_str     B :code indicating if two structures compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second structure is not found [X] m     f_cmp_rec     6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X] m     r    []A'h#     cmp_beam   t lbeam name of the second beam if two beams are compared   m     attch_crdn    number of the attachment for the the earth station CLVALScoordination diagram   m  Jant_diam    antenna diameter(metres): in the case of FSS earth stations operating in the frequency band 13.75-14.0 GHz   m  beam_name   Z Rdesignation of the satellite antenna beam   m     beam_old   l dprevious designation of the satellite antenna beam   m     0pattern_id    unique identifier of the co-polar antenna radiation pattern in the reference table ant_type   m  attch_e_x    number of the attachment for the cross-polar antenna radiation pattern diagram   m  :pattern_id_x    unique identifier of the cross-polar antenna radiation pattern in the reference table ant_type   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      dgso    antenna dimension aligned with the geostationary arc (DGSO) in metres   m  LVALMR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDescriptionDisplayControl FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr     dXAaU陗      ntc_id     F >unique identifier of the notice m  ` azm      azimuth in degrees measured clockwise from true north for which the antenna elevation is given in the data item "elev_ang" m  elev_ang      elevation angle in degrees of the antenna in the azimuth given in data-item "azm" m  f_cmp_rec      m 6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X]    change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m  stn_name   b Zname of the transmitting or receiving station   m     ctry    symbol of the country or geographical area in which the station is located   m     act_code   p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity   m     stn_type    code indicating if the earth station is specific [S] or typical [T]   m     .long_deg    degree part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  long_ew   n flongitude direction indicator: East [E] or West [W]   m     .long_min    minute part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  .long_sec    second part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  *lat_deg    degree part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m   lat_ns   n flatitude direction indicator: North [N] or South [S   m     *lat_min    minute part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  *lat_sec   LVAL second part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  Pnoise_t    total receiving system noise temperature, expressed in kelvins referred to the output of the receiving antenna   m   gain    maximum isotropic gain of the antenna expressed in dB with one decimal position   m   bmwdth    angular width of radiation main lobe expressed in degrees with two decimal positions   m  stn_old   t lprevious name of the transmitting or receiving station   m     long_dec   V Nlongitude in degrees with four decimals   m  lat_dec   T Llatitude in degrees with four decimals   m  $ant_diam      m C10d7/C10d8 - the antenna diameter in metres/the equivalent antenna diameter (i.e. the diameter, in metres of a parabolic antenna with the same off-axis performance as the receiving associated earth station antenna)  lant_alt      m  f_cmp_rec     6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X] m      seq_no   & sequence number   m  r    BJAbO-#I     clim_zone   . &climatice zone code   m     !rcp_type    code indicating if the reception type is individual [I] or community [C]   m     pwr_max   N FThe maximum aggregate power (dBW) of all carriers (per transponder, if applicable) supplied to the input of the transmitting antenna the associated earth stations   m  bdwdth_aLVALggr   8 0the aggregate bandwidth of all carriers (per transponder, if applicable) supplied to the input of the transmitting antenna the associated earth stations   m  Qf_trp_band    Flag indicating if the bandwidth of the transponder corresponds to the aggregate bandwidth of all carriers (per transponder, if applicable) supplied to the input of the transmitting antenna of the associated earth stations   m      pattern_id    unique identifier of the co-polar radiation pattern of the reference table ant_type   m  *pattern_id_x    unique identifier of the cross-polar radiation pattern of the reference table ant_type   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      dgso    antenna dimension aligned with the geostationary arc (DGSO) in metres   m   attch_e    number of the attachment for the co-polar antenna radiation pattern diagram   m  attch_e_x    number of the attachment for the cross-polar antenna radiation pattern diagram   m   diag_e    number of the co-polar antenna radiation pattern diagram in gims   m  diag_e_x    number of the cross-polar antenna radiation pattern diagram in gims   m  LVALMR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlDescriptionAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    dOGl     j grp_id      m  beamgrp_id   & beam group code    m      change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientationDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePicker grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m  stn_cls   2 *class of station code   m     nat_srv   4 ,nature of service code   m     seq_e_as    zsequence number of the corresponding associated earth station   m  r    瀯`CHY.     change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthDecimalPlacesValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOn FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerstn_name   : 2name of the earth station   m     ctry    symbol of the country or geographical area in which the station is located   m     .long_deg    degree part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  long_ew   n flongitude direction indicator: East [E] or West [W]   m     .long_min    minute part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  .long_sec    second part of longitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  *lat_deg    degree part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m   lat_ns   p hlatitude direction indicator: North [N] or South [S]   m     *lat_min    minute part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  *lat_sec    second part of latitude coordinate of the station expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds   m  sat_name   P Hname of the associated space station   m     long_nom    nominal longitude of the associated space station, give'-' for West, '+' for East   m  .LVALelev_min    minimum elevation angle of the earth station expressed in degrees with two decimal positions   m  8 azm_fr    value clockwise from true north for the beginning limit of an azimuthal sector expressed in degrees   m  , azm_to    value clockwise from true north for the end limit of an azimuthal sector expressed in degrees   m  ant_alt   R Jaltitude of the earth station antenna   m  =f_active    code indicating if the station is active [A] or inactive [I] i.e: logically suppressed   m     long_dec   V Nlongitude in degrees with four decimals   m  lat_dec   T Llatitude in degrees with four decimals   m   ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m  attch_hor   | tnumber of the attachment for the horizon elevation diagram   m  r      ;M Anl'|     f_pfd_se    flag to indicate commitment that the filed system will meet the single entry power-flux density limits specified in No. 5.502   m     elev_max     the planned maximum angle of elevation of the antenna s main beam axis in degrees from the horizontal plane with two decimal positions   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m  design_emi   6 .designation of emission   m     tpep_max    the maximum value of the peak envelope power, supplied to the input of the antenna for each carrier type [dBW] (C8a1/C8b1/C8b3a)   m  pwr_ds_max   j bmaximum power density [dBW/Hz] ( C8a2/C8b2/C8b3b)   m  pep_min   ~ vminimum peak envelope power delivered to the antenna [dBW]   m  pwr_ds_min   D <minimum power density [dBW/Hz]   m   c_to_n   P HC/N ( total / clear sky ) objective   m  pwr_ds_nbw      xpower density [dBW/Hz] averaged over the necessary bandwidth m  f_cmp_rec   6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X]   m     r    2qGI>J`P     }f_emi_type    flag indicating that for the emission the maximum peak power maximum power density values provided are of type C.8.b   m     \attch_c2n    number of the attachment indicating the reason for carrier-to-noise ratio (dB) information in C.8.e.1 being absent   m  vattch_pepLVAL    number of the attachment indicating the reason for minimum value of the peak envelope power information in C.8.c.1 being absent   m  Pattch_mpd    number of the attachment indicating the reason for minimum power density information in C.8.c.3 being absent   m  pulse_rep   | tThe pulse repetition frequency in kHz (for active sensors)   m  pwr_ctrl    If power control is used the maximum range of power control , in dB   m  pulse_length   r jThe pulse length in microseconds (for active sensors)   m  .pwr_ds_nbc    power density [dBW/Hz] averaged over the necessary bandwidth of a narrow bandwidth carrier   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequired FormatAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m  3d_fdg_rev    date relating to a review of the findings (Column 13B3) or regulatory date  Short Date     O d_type    type of date relating to a review (Column 13B3) or type of date relating to a regulatory deadline   m     fdg_prov   h `reference to a provision, appendix or resolution   m     r      + {4I^WPv     change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDescriptionAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker ntc_id     F >uniqie identifier of the notice m  emi_rcp     @ 8emission reception indicator m      grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m   seq_no     & sequence number m  freq_sym      ~symbol indicating kilohertz [K], megahertz [M] or gigahertz [G] m     freq_assgn     , $assigned frequency m  freq_mhz     : 2assigned frequency in MHz m  freq_min      |minimum frequency in MHz (assigned frequency - half bandwidth) m  freq_max      |maximum frequency in MHz (assigned frequency + half bandwidth) m   bdwdth   X Passigned frequency band expressed in kHz   m  Afdg_reg    findings: conformity with Radio Regulations;Table No13A of the Preface to the IFL (13A1)   m     sd_prot_eff     the date from which a list of assignments is taken into account according to RR1061-1065 or RR1148-1154, as appropriate     r    S]-pM6]     ntc_type   | tcode indicating if the notice is of a geostationary satellite [G], non-geostationary satellite [N] , specific earth station [S] , typical earth station [T] or radio astronomy station [R]   m   [ LVALk   wic_no    the number of the WIC in which the notice was most recently published   0  m  beam_name   6 .designation of the beam   m     change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      LVALMR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    $ՖoM̵B~:w<     sat_name   : 2name of the space station   m      long_nom    nominal longitude of the space station, give '-' for West '+' for East    m  Btol_east    value indicating the planned longitudinal tolerance East of the nominal longitude of the space station    m  Btol_west    value indicating the planned longitudinal tolerance West of the nominal longitude of the space station    m  inclin_exc   2 *inclination excursion    m  =f_active    code indicating if the station is active [A] or inactive [I] i.e: logically suppressed   m       ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice    m   f_off_axis   | tflag indicating compliance with off-axis power limitations   m      long_orig    original nominal longitude of the space station, give '-' for West '+' for East    m   f_pfd_lim      m  ~ vflag indicating compliance with per-satellite power-flux density level produced at the Earth s surface of -129 dB(W/(m2 MHz)) in any 1 MHz band under free space propagation conditions    change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      %LVAL5MR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr     =P?Dj0^?      grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m  pub_ref   J Bsymbol indicating the publication   m      pub_no   : 2number of the publication   m  ssn_rev_no   J Brevsion number of the publication   m  ssn_rev   @ 8type of revision (M, C or A)   m     ssn_type    type of the Special Section of the Weekly Circular/IFIC in which the grp or notice was published (N - administration, B- BR)   m      d_wic   p hdate of the publication of the group in the WIC/IFIC      change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()       wic_no   v nnumber of the WIC/IFIC in which the group was published   m  LVALMR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompression FormatDefaultValue FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationTextInputMaskCaptionDefaultViewSmartTagsIMEModeIMESentenceModeGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeShowDatePickerr    $zD)      grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m  emi_rcp    code identifying a beam as either transmitting [E] or receiving [R]    m      page_no   F >page number on the paper notice   m  act_code   p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity    m       bdwdth   ~ vassigned frequency band expressed in kHz OR the bandwidth of the frequency band, in kHz, observed by the radio-astronomy station OR receiver noise bandwidth processor (for active sensors)   m  d_inuse   : 2date of bringing into use  Short Date     nnoise_t    receiving system noise temperature or the system noise temperature at the output of the signal processor (for active sensors)   m  op_agcy   6 .operating agency number   m  polar_type    symbol indicating the type and the direction of polarization, where applicable (in case of circular or elliptical polarization)    m      prd_valid   > 6period of validity in years   m   remark   \ Tsymbols used as indicated in table No. 13C    m      tgt_grp_id   b Zunique identifier of the group to be modified   m  observ_cls LVAL  0 (class of observation    m      c d_upd    the date of update of a list of assignments in the SNS (Master Register and Requests for Coordination)  Short Date       wic_no    the number of the WIC/IFIC in which the list of assignments was most recently published   m  / d_wic    the date of most recent publication of a list of assignments in the WIC/IFIC  Short Date     d_prot_eff    the date from which a list of assignments is taken into account according to RR1061-1065 or RR1148-1154, as appropriate  Short Date     Afdg_reg    findings: conformity with Radio Regulations;Table No13A of the Preface to the IFL (13A1)    m      afdg_plan    findings: conformity with a Plan or a Coordination Procedure;Table No13A of the Preface to the IFL (13A2    m      Afdg_tex    findings: results from technical examination;Table No13A of the Preface to the IFL (13A3)    m      sfdg_observ    findings: remarks concerning the findings entered in Column 13A; Table No. 13B of the Preface to the IFL (13B2)    m      rspl_grp_id      m  comment       m      reg_op_fr   p hstart of regular hours of reception expressed in UTC   m  reg_op_to   l dend of regular hours of reception expressed in UTC   m   ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m  Rpwr_max    maximum total peak envelope power in dBW or maximum aggregate power in dBW supplied to the input of the antenna   m  LVALadm_resp   j bsymbol identifying the responsible administration    m      polar_ang   z rin case of linear polarization the value of the angle (in degrees) measured anticlockwise in a plane normal to the beam axis from the equatorial plane to the electric vector of the wave   m  area_name      8 0name of the service area m      f_fdg_reqd      T Lcode indicating if finding is required m      f_cmp_rec      6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X] m      f_cmp_freq      L Dcode indicating if two lists of frequencies compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m      f_cmp_emi      H @code indicating if two lists of emissions compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m      f_cmp_eas      h `code indicating if two lists of associated earth stations compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m      f_cmp_prov      J Bcode indicating if two lists of provisions compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m      f_cmp_sas      h `code indicating if two lists of associated space stations compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m      f_cmp_gpub    LVAL  ` Xcode indicating if two lists of notified publications compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m      f_cmp_fdg      F >code indicating if two lists of findings compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m      cmp_grp_id   r jgrp_id of the second group if two groups are compared   m  f_cmp_str   B :code indicating if two structures compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second structure is not found [X]    m      .elev_min    minimum elevation angle of the earth station expressed in degrees with two decimal positions   m  gso_sep    minimum separation angle between the the geostationary satellite orbit arc and the associated earth station main beam-axis at which the associated earth station can transmit towards a non-geostationary satellite   m  prov       m |provision of the RR according to which the notice is submitted      Ssrv_code    generic code indicating the space service type for the list of frequency assignments of the group    m      freq_min    |minimum frequency in MHz (assigned frequency - half bandwidth)   m  freq_max    |maximum frequency in MHz (assigned frequency + half bandwidth)   m   f_no_intfr    xflag indicating compliance with 4.4 of the Radio Regulations    m      vpfd_pk_7g    the calculated peak value of power flux-density produced within +/- 5 degrees inclination of the geostationary saLVALtellite orbit   m  / d_rcv    date of receipt of the list of frequency assignments pertaining to the group  Short Date     ra_stn_type   , $the type of radio astronomy station in the frequency band shown in C.3.b (S - for single dish, V - for very long baseline interferometry (VLBI))    m      Yf_cost_rec    flag to indicate that the group of frequency assignments is the subject to cost recovery procedure    m      bdwdth_aggr   (  the aggregate bandwidth of all carriers (per transponder, if applicable) supplied to the input of the transmitting antenna of the earth stations   m  ;f_trp_band    Flag indicating if the bandwidth of the transponder corresponds to the aggregate bandwidth of all carriers (per transponder, if applicable) supplied to the input of the transmitting antenna of the earth stations    m      beam_name   Z Rdesignation of the satellite antenna beam    m       st_cur   P Hcurrent processing status of the grp    m      d_st_cur   ~ vdate of entry of the grp into the current processing status Short Date      ;wic_part    the part of the WIC/IFIC in which the list of assignments was most recently published    m      3f_ap30b_art6    a commitment that the use of assignment shall not cause unacceptable interference to, nor claim protection from, those assignments for which agreement still need to be obtained (6.25 of Art. 6 of App 30B)    m      Mplan_categ    Symbol indicating the category of the group of assignments or allotments within its status    m      LVAL)eirp_nom   $ The space station's/associated space station's nominal equivalent isotrpically radiated power(s) (e.i.r.p.) on the beam axis (C.8.f.1/C.8.f.2)   m  sensitivity   J BSensitivity threshold, in kelvins   m  plan_status    Status of entries (either assignments = LIST or allotments = PLAN)    m      5sr_type    symbol indicating the type of the sensor A  active, P - passive, where applicable    m      change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()       area_no    sequence number associating a particular service area diagram with the group   m  Cd_rcv_start    Date of receipt of the corresponding notices published in API/A or AP30*/E Part A or AP30B/A6A      d_reg_limit    Regulatory limit date for bringing into use of a group of assignments       f_biu    Code indicating if the assignments (for notification notices only i.e. Art.11, AP30/30A#A5 and AP30B#A8) have been Confirmed brought into use by the Administration (C=Confirmed; NULL=Not Confirmed)    m      mLVAL}MR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlDescriptionAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    ƠӊD4-*      ntc_id      mV Nunique identifier of the linking notice  lnk_ntc_id   T Lunique identifier of the linked notice   m  ntf_rsn     code indicating that the notice has been submitted under RR1488 [N], RR1060 [C], RR1107 [D], RES49 [U] or AP30. AP30A ,AP30B [B]    m      lnk_ntf_rsn    code indicating that the linked notice has been submitted under RR1488 [N], RR1060 [C], RR1107 [D], RES49 [U] or AP30. AP30A ,AP30B [B]    m       grp_id   P Hunique identifier of the linking grp   m  lnk_grp_id   N Funique identifier of the linked grp   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      ALVALQMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLength FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientationDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePicker ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice    m  oper_id   J Bunique identifier of the operator     m      d_hist   2 *date of the operation Short Date        st_cur   J Bcurrent status of the transaction     m     r    PX΂Dyij      seq_no   H @sequence number of the operation    m  hist_text    comment     m     change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()       LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByOrderByOn FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthOrientationDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePickerelev_ang    elevation angle in degrees of the horizon in the azimuth given in data-item 'azm'   m  f ntc_id    azimuth in degrees measured clockwise from true north for which the horizon elevation is given in the data-item 'elev_ang'   m   azm   F >unique identifier of the notice   m  r     oM_FKu     f_cmp_rec   6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X]   m     .hor_dist    distance in km from the earth station to the horizon in the azimuth given in data-item "azm"   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      CLVALSMR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr      e=&U@T7      grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m  seq_emiss   F >sequence number of the emission   m  seq_assgn   ^ Vsequence number of the frequnecy assignment   m  seq_e_as   f ^sequence number of the earth associated station   m   epm   @ 8equivalent protection margin   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePickerr      CTV@H^48i|     j ntc_id      m  adm_remark      m     br_comment      m     change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      MR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    YAFiH:-Ԍ     mask_id   B :unique identifier of the mask   m  freq_min   t lthe lowest frequency for which the mask is valid [GHz]   m  freq_max   v nthe highest frequency for which the mask is valid [GHz]   m   f_mask     flag indicating if the mask type is eirp at the space station [S], eirp at the associated earth station [E] or pfd at the space station [P]    m      f_mask_type   X Pflag indicating the type of the pfd mask    m      j ntc_id      m  {change_ts         uAvcP<)   x  w v c P =   yxedQP=<)xeR+( % % Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp %    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp     Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp  @ J&r?l-~0f;k &*ٰ@p+-icgؓ]&FQFW(> 3ԫXT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   T Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp  " Tt[??=?l-~ј[K)r0i@p+-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp " " Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp "  Tt[??=?l-~ј[K)r0i@p+-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~ј[K)r0i@p+-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~ј[K)r0i@p+-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~~#Ɯ7@p+-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp       Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp        Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   T J&r?l-~0f;k &*ٰ@p+-icgؓ]&FQFW(> 3ԫXT[}#m)2\薓^EJp T Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   h{h?l-~jxr 7@p+-icgؓ]&FQFW^rmp :.V.T[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~ј[K)r0i@p+-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp  vLVALMR2OrientationOrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTyper     Kɍ      grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m   ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m   orb_id   P Hsequence number of the orbital plane   m  sat_orb_id      m satellite sequence number in the non-geostationary orbital plane  mask_id   D <unioque identifier of the mask   m  seq_e_as   f ^seqUnece number of the associated earth station   m  MR2OrientationOrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTyper     `X:C C      grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m   ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m   orb_id   P Hsequence number of the orbital plane   m  sat_orb_id      m satellite sequence number in the non-geostationary orbital plane  mask_id   D <unioque identifier of the mask   m  LVALMR2.OrderByOnOrientationNameMapColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlDescriptionAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionDefaultValue FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker&    Ux^SG瑇48@mod_char_testwNCI# x^SG瑇4grp_id چHkݗJx^SG瑇4seq_emiss;6|fC$+Xx^SG瑇4i_mod_typ8:A̭8x^SG瑇4freq_lowxպLlx^SG瑇4attch_sig[|iFD1+x^SG瑇4ampl_modgB;D*)~ x^SG瑇4freq_dev_fm3ۮC\z!Mx^SG瑇4freq_swpZ!}]D͘x^SG瑇4nrg_dsp_typed DvTrAx^SG瑇4attch_mod<EIR+gx^SG瑇4i_tv_sys׃m쌖G'Mx^SG瑇4i_sound_bcgݔ;Od"x^SG瑇4i_basebando)Dd9pD'x^SG瑇4i_nrgy_dsp G6px^SG瑇4range_agcZ ߚF,ix^SG瑇4freq_5db   7e;=G-U     i_baseband      m |C9b2 - the composition of the baseband for an analogue carrier  i_mod_typ      mF >C9a1 - the type of modulation  Zi_mplx_typ      m c9a3c - the characteristics of the multiplexing of the video signal woth sound signal(s) or othe signal(s) (TV)  Fi_pre_emph      m C9a3b - the pre-emphasis characteristics for a carrier frequency modulated by a television signal (TV)  i_sound_bc      m C9b1 - the sound -broadcastin characteristics of the analogue carrier  i_tv_sys      m4 ,C9a8 - the TV standard  seq_emiss      m@ 8 - sequence number LVAL range_agc      mj bA12 - the range of automatic gain control, in dB   grp_id      mX PBR - unique identifier of the group  freq_low   ` XC9a2a - the lowest frequency of the baseband   m  bit_rate    c9a4a - the bit rate for a carrier phase-shift modulated by a digital signal   m   nbr_phase    c9a4b - the number of phases for a carrier phase-shift modulated by a digital signal   m  attch_sig    xc9a5a -attachment indicating the nature of modulating signal   m  ampl_mod   ` Xc9a5b -the kind of amplitude modulation used    m      freq_swp    C9a6b - the sweep frequency (kHz) of the energy dispersal waveform   m  freq_hi   b ZC9a2b - the highest frequency of the baseband   m  ffreq_dev    C9a2c - the r.m.s. frequency deviation of the pre-emphasized signal for a test tone as a function of baseband frequency   m  nattch_mod    C9a7b - attachment indicating for all other types of modulation such particulars as may be useful for an interference study   m  freq_dev_tv    C9a3a - the peak-to-peak frequency deviation of the pre-emphisized signal for a carrier frequency modulated by a television signal (TV)   m  tfreq_dev_fm    C9a6a - the peak-to-peak frequency deviation in MHz, of the energy dispersal waveform for a frequency-modulated carrier (FM)   m   i_nrgy_dsp    C9a7a - the type of energy dispersal, if other forms of modulation than FM are used   m  "i_nrgy_dsp_typ   R JC9a6c - the energy dispersal waveform  LVAL& m  change_ts   ( timestamp column Now()       LVAL۴MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldDisplayControlSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePicker`ngma_id    identifier for a given set of equivalent satellite link noise temperature (ESLNT) and transmission gain values (gamma)   m  act_code   p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity   m     strp_id_fr   h `lower limit of the range of strap serial numbers   m  strp_id_to   h `upper limit of the range of strap serial numbers   m  4noise_t_lo    lowest value of equivalent satellite link noise temperature (ESLNT) associated with the strap   m  gain_as_lo    value of transmission gain (gamma) associated with the value of ESLNT given above   m  vnoise_t_hr    value of equivalent satellite link noise temperature for highest ratio of transmission gain to ESLNT associated with the strap   m  gain_as_hr    value of transmission gain (gamma) associated with the value of ESLNT given above   m  stn_name   N Fname of the receiving earth station   m      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m  f_cmp_rec   6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X]   m     r     o$)aE=$C9     change_tsTLVALd   (  timestamp column Now()      KvcO<)   x e R > +  {  g T A -}jVC0 lYE2 n[H| y y Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp y v v Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp v s s Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp s o o Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp o l l Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp l i i Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp i f f Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp f b b Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp b ] ] Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp ] Z Z Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp Z V V Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp V S S Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp S P P Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp P M M Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp M H H Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp H D D Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp D A A Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp A > > Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp > ; ; Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp ; 8 8 Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp 8 5 5 Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp 5 1 1 Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp 1 . . Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp . + + Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp + ( ( Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp LVAL۴MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthDecimalPlacesValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByOrderByOn FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickersat_name   2 *name of the satellite   m     )ref_body    code for the reference surface from which the satellite altitude is measured   m     nbr_sat_nh   J Bthe maximum number of space station (Nn) in the non-geostationary satellite system simultaneously transmitting on a co-frequency basis on the Northern Hemisphere   m  =f_active    code indicating if the station is active [A] or inactive [I] i.e: logically suppressed   m      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m  nbr_plane   \ Tnumber of non-geostationary orbital planes   m  r     [Hċ     0nbr_sat_td    maximum number of co-frequency tracked non-geostationary satellites receiving simultanously   m  avg_dist   z raverage distance between co-frequency cells in kilometers   m  ;f_x_zone    flag indicating if the exclusion zone angle is the angle alpha [Y] or the angle X [N]   m      x_zone   T Lwidth of the exclusion zone in degrees   m   f_epfd    flag indicating compliance with additional operational epfd (downlink)   m     attch_x_zone     attachment indicating a detailed description of the avoidance mechk LVAL{ anism, if an alternative method used for establishing exclusion zone   m  nbr_sat_sh   J Bthe maximum number of space station (Sn) in the non-geostationary satellite system simultaneously transmitting on a co-frequency basis on the Southern Hemisphere   m   f_pfd_lim   ~ vflag indicating compliance with per-satellite power-flux density level produced at the Earth s surface of -129 dB(W/(m2 MHz)) in any 1 MHz band under free space propagation conditions   m     Ndensity    average number of associated earth stations transmitting with overlapping frequencies per square km in a cell   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVAL۴MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLength FormatDecimalPlacesDefaultValueValidationRuleValidationTextInputMaskCaption FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewSmartTagsIMEModeIMESentenceModeGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeShowDatePickerntc_type   z rcode indicating if the notice is of a geostationary satellite [G], non-geostationary satellite [N] , specific earth station [S], typical earth station [T] or radio astronomy station [R]   m     %adm_ref_id    reference identifier of the notice given by the notifying administration   m      d_adm    xthe date of the notice given by the notifying administration  Short Date     prov    |provision of the RR according to which the notice is submitted   m     act_code   p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity   m      adm   d \country symbol of the notifying administration   m     qntwk_org    symbol of the organization operating regional or international networks (Table No. B2 of the Preface to the IFL)   m     Cntf_occurs    code indicating if the notice was intended for first [F] notication or resubmission [R]   m     tgt_ntc_id   r jidentifier of the notice to be modified or suppressed   m   d_rcv   B :date of receipt of the notice  Short Date      wic_no    the number of the WIC in which the notice was most recently published   m   d_wic    xthe dLVALate of most recent publication of the notice in the WIC  Short Date     I d_upd    the date of update of a notice in the SNS (Master Register and Requests for Coordination)  Short Date     f_basic   V Ncode indicating non-basic modifications   m     [f_int_ext    code indicating if the notice is internal [I], external [E], admin withdrawal [W], BR withdrawal [Z]   m     Intf_rsn    code indicating that the notice has been submitted under RR1488 [N], RR1060 [C] or RR1107 [D]   m     d_st_cur    |date of entry of the notice into the current processing status  Short Date      st_prv   X Pprevious processing status of the notice   m      f_spl   V Ncode indicating if the notice was split   m     spl_ntc_id   z ridentifier of the notice created as a result of the split   m   st_cur   V Ncurrent processing status of the notice   m      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m  plan_id      m     ntwk_pack      m     cmp_ntc_id     v nntc_id of the second notice if two notices are compared m  f_cmp_str     B :code indicating if two structures compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second structure is not found [X] m     f_cmp_rec     6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the LVALsecond record is not found [X] m     f_cmp_orb     B :code indicating if two lists of orbits compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m     f_cmp_strp     B :code indicating if two lists of straps compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m     f_cmp_ngma     N Fcode indicating if two lists of noise gammas compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X] m     r    m8QL:V     f_cmp_hori   Z Rcode indicating if two lists of horizon elevations compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X]   m     f_aa_type   | tflag indicating assgnment/allotment type (plan/list, etc.)   m     =f_adm_proxi    flag indicating that administration is notifying on behalf of other administrations   m     ]f_mod_type    flag used to indicate that the filing was created using Wizards provided in SpaceCap (API,DBIU,RS49)   m     !wic_part    the aprt of the WIC/IFIC in which the notice was most recently published   m     f_cmp_elev   Z Rcode indicating if two lists of antenna elevations compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X]   m     f_cmp_pfd   Z Rcode indicating if two lists of pfd compliance records compared equal [E], have basic dif0LVAL@ferences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X]   m     /f_cmp_oper    code indicating if two lists of non-geostationary satellites with overlapping frequencies compared equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X]   m      f_mod   T Lcode indicating that data was modified   m      f_cfex    code indicationg the result of check for existing component (CFEX)   m      f_val   x pcode indicating the result of validation component (VAL)   m     3f_aes_char    flag to indicate commitment regarding characteristics of aircraft earth station   m     f_val_cat   N Fflag indicating validation category   m     change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      prov_desc   r jadditional information to specify the exact provision   m     3LVALEMR2ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeDecimalPlacesShowDatePickerr    ӂI E         plan_id       m     j ntc_id       m  pbeam_name       m      adm       m     nlong_nom       m  change_ts    (  timestamp column  Now()      MR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueOrientationAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    c[FY+*!      ntc_id      mV Nunique identifier of the linking notice  lnk_ntc_id   T Lunique identifier of the linked notice   m  ntf_rsn     code indicating that the notice has been submitted under RR1488 [N], RR1060 [C], RR1107 [D], RES49 [U] or AP30. AP30A ,AP30B [B]   m     lnkntf_rsn    code indicating that the linked notice has been submitted under RR1488 [N], RR1060 [C], RR1107 [D], RES49 [U] or AP30. AP30A ,AP30B [B]   m     change_ts   ( timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueAllowZeroLength FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexExpressionResultTypeCurrencyLCID ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m   ) *1inclin_ang    inclination angle of the satellite orbit with respect to the plane of the Equator   m   ) *Qperig_arg    angular separation (in degrees) between the ascending node and the perigee of an elliptical orbit.   m   ) * orb_id   h `identifying sequence number of the orbital plane   m   ) *nbr_sat_pl   v nnumber of satellite per non-geostationary orbital plane   m   ) *+right_asc    angular separation in degrees between the ascending node and the vernal equinox   m   ) *f_cmp_rec      6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X] m      ) *    {&Ʊ"IB)zYw;       B !B " # $B %B & 'f_cmp_pha   B :code indicating if two lists of phases compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second list is not found [X]    m      ) *long_asc   | tlongitude oLVALf the ascending node for the j-th orbital plane   m   ) *keep_rnge    zlongitudinal tolerance of the longitude of the ascending node   m   ) *prd_ddd    day part of the time elapsing between two consecutive passages of a non-geostationary satellite through a point in its orbit   m   ) * prd_hh    hour part ofthe time elapsing between two consecutive passages of a non-geostationary satellite through a point in its orbit   m   ) * prd_mm    minute part of the time elapsing between two consecutive passages of a non-geostationary satellite through a point in its orbit   m   ) *apog    the farthest altitude of the non-geostationary satellite above the surface of the Earth or other reference body - expressed in kilometers   m   ) *apog_exp   p hexponent part of the apogee expressed in power of 10   m   ) * perig    the nearest altitude of the non-geostationary satellite above the surface of the Earth or other reference body - expressed in kilometers   m   ) *perig_exp   r jexponent part of the perigee expressed in power of 10   m   ) *op_ht_exp    exponent part of the minimum operating height expressed in power of 10   m   ) *f_stn_keep    flag indicating if the space station uses [Y] or does not use [N] station-keeping to maintain a repeating ground track    m      ) *rpt_prd_dd    day part of the time elapsing between two consecutive passages of a non-geostationary satellite constellation through a point in its orbit   m   ) *rpt_prd_hh    hourLVAL part of the time elapsing between two consecutive passages of a non-geostationary satellite constellation through a point in its orbit   m   ) *rpt_prd_mm   " minute part of the time elapsing between two consecutive passages of a non-geostationary satellite constellation through a point in its orbit   m   ) *rpt_prd_ss   " second part of the time elapsing between two consecutive passages of a non-geostationary satellite constellation through a point in its orbit   m   ) *f_precess   V Nflag indicating if the space station should [Y] or should not [N] be modelled with specific precession rate of the ascending node of the orbit instead of the J2 term    m      ) *Eprecession    for a space station that is to be modelled with specific precession rate of the ascending node of the orbit instead of the J2 term, the precession rate in degrees/day measured counter-clockwise in the equatorial plane   m   ) *change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()       ) * op_ht     minimum operating height of the non-geostationary satellite above the surface of the Earth or other reference body - expressed in kilometers   m   ) *ILVALYMR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    ޯrB}6K!^      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m   orb_id   P Hsequence number of the orbital plane   m  orb_sat_id    satellite sequence number in the non-geostationary orbital plane   m  emi_rcp    code identifying a beam as either transmitting [E] or receiving [R]    m      beam_name   Z Rdesignation of the satellite antenna beam    m      change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr     )rMF;3     grp_id_up   T Lunique identifier of the group up-link   m  seq_emi_dn   F >sequence number of the emission   m  seq_asn_dn   ^ Vsequence number of the frequnecy assignment   m  seq_e_as_dn   f ^sequence number of the earth associated station   m   grp_id   X Punique identifier of the group down-link   m  seq_asn_up   ^ Vsequence number of the frequnecy assignment   m  seq_emi_up   F >sequence number of the emission   m  oepm   P Hoverall equivalent protection margin   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByOrderByOn FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m   orb_id   P Hsequence number of the orbital plane   m  orb_sat_id    satellite sequence number in the non-geostationary orbital plane   m  phase_ang   z rinitial phase angle of the satellite in the orbital plane   m  r     pZGT@gUgu     f_cmp_rec   6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X]   m      d_ref    date/time at which the satellite is at the location defined by omega j      change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2.OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDefaultValueDescriptionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTagsGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeShowDatePicker@    U~|H$,4}'=u@pl_strapvヸ=@O#~|H$,4ntc_idT"CWr~|H$,4freq_dnjLKN%~e ~|H$,4freq_upnKH5>[~|H$,4grp_id_dnPIAnAão~|H$,4grp_id_up@*"LOM~|H$,4pbeam_name0d.Dn=p[<~|H$,4multibeam_set0rDG(o~|H$,4exop_setCMi~|H$,4f_victim_opE@zCV! ~|H$,4agg_tolerance   ୢO˅j     j ntc_id       m  lfreq_dn       m  lfreq_up       m  pgrp_id_dn       m  pgrp_id_up       m  pbeam_name        m        x multibeam_set       m  nexop_set       m   agg_tolerance     Null   m 0.05 there applied for LIST. For the rest can be NULL and software will apply 0.25 dB for the LIST and 0.05 for the PLAN  f_victim_op   V N'Y' for old historical victims, not mentioned in the RR (no relation with Art.6 part A), 'N' for the rest. (No 'new' victims are expected to be added in the future.)     m       "N"  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()         1LVALAMR2OrderByOnOrientationColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueIMEModeIMESentenceModeSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTyper    '.5.OGdj,     PLAN_ID       m     pFREQ_DOWN       m  lFREQ_UP 8      m  PLAN_DESCR d     m     REF_TYPE      m     rCHAN_SPACE       m  nCHAN_MIN       m  nCHAN_MAX G      m  pBDWDTH_ST       m  PLAN_CODE o     m     COMMENT      m     #LVAL3MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOn FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m   adm   Z Rcode indicating administration or country   m     qntwk_org    symbol of the organization operating regional or international networks (Table No. B2 of the Preface to the IFL)   m     coord_prov   x preference to provision of the RR, Appendix or Resolution   m     ?agree_st    code indicating if the coordination or agreement has been obtained [O] or requested [R]   m      seq_no   & sequence number   m  r      LvM{db(q6W     coord_st   N Fflag indicating coordination status   m     ctry   ` Xcode indicating country or geographical area   m     change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      vLVAL9MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredValidationRuleValidationTextDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldDisplayControlSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker grp_id     D <unique identifier of the group m  seq_assgn     J Bsequence number of the assignment m  seq_emiss     F >sequence number of the emission m  pwr_ctrl     " power control m  r     hG0b4rz     change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      MR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePickerr     Z+wCLY#nH      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice   m   seq_no   & sequence number   m  ssn_ref    xsymbol indicating the Special Section of the Weekly Circular   m      ssn_no   B :number of the Special Section   m  ssn_rev     @ 8type of revision (M. C or A) m     ssn_rev_no     R Jrevsion number of the special section m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVAL(MR2OrientationOrderByOnAllowZeroLengthRequiredColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlaces FormatValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue  sat_name     : 2name of the space station m  ntf_rsn     8 0category of notification m   adm     8 0notifying administration m  ntwk_org     X Pintergovernmental satellite organization m   ntc_id    < 4BR notice id of the filing   m st_cur     F >processing status of the filing m  freq_min    L Dlower bound of the frequency range   mfreq_max    L Dupper bound of the frequency range   memi_rcp     T Lsatellite beam emission/reception code m   grp_id    D <unique identifier of the group   mntc_type     F >type of notice indicator (G, N) m  beam_name   < 4satellite beam designation   m  long_nom   L Dnominal longitude of space station    md_prot_eff   R Jdate of protection of the freq. group Short Date  d_wic   @ 8date of the IFIC publication Short Date d_reg_g   @ 8end of the regulatory period  Short Dated_inuse   : 2date of bringing into use Short Date  wic_no   P HIFIC publication number of the group    mact_code    action-code   m  #LVAL3MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthDefaultValueValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaption FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker grp_id   D <unique identifier of the group   m  sat_name   P Hname of the associated space station   m     act_code   p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity   m     sat_old   b Zprevious name of the associated space station   m     :stn_type    type of the associated space station: geostationary [G] or non-geostationary [N]    m     long_nom      nominal logitude of the associated space station, give "-' for West , "+" for East m  f_cmp_rec   6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X]   m     r    MdYNPGX     beam_name   p hdesignation of the associated satellite antenna beam   m      beam_old    zprevious designation of the associated satellite antenna beam   m     change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      LVALMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDescriptionAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationText FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker ntc_id     F >unique identifier of the notice m  emi_rcp      code identifying a beam as either transmitting [E] or receiving [R] m     act_code     p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity m     ang_alpha     < 4satellite beam orientation m  ang_beta     < 4satellite beam orientation m   attch_e      number of the attachment for the co-polar antenna radiation pattern diagram m  attch_elev      number of the attachment for the gain versus elevation angle diagram m  attch_gain     r jnumber of the attachment for the gain contour diagram m  $attch_orb_e      number of the attachment for diagram showing antenna gain versus geostationary orbit m   gain      maximum isotropic gain of the antenna expressed in dB with one decimal position m  attch_loss     h `number of the attachment for spreading loss data m  tpnt_acc      for a specific satellite antenna beam the maximum deviation of the antenna in degrees relative to the nominal pointing direction m  pwr_max_4k     8 0maximum E.I.R.P. at 4kHz m  pwr_avg_4k     8 0average E.I.R.P. at 4kHz m LVAL pwr_max_1m     8 0maximum E.I.R.P. at 1MHz m  pwr_avg_1m     8 0average E.I.R.P. at 1MHz m  beamlet      beamlet m  bore_long     d \longitude coodinate of the satellite bore site m  bore_lat     b Zlatitude coodinate of the satellite bore site m  maj_axis     ^ Vmajor axis of the satellite beam projection m  min_axis     ^ Vminor axis of the satellite beam projection m   orient     J Borientation of the satellite beam m  rot_acc     L Dsatellite beam rotational accuracy m   gain_x     V Ncrosspolar gain (for shaped beams only) m  f_fdg_reqd     T Lcode indicating if finding is required m     cmp_ntc_id   n fntc_id of the second beam if two beams are compared   m  f_cmp_str   B :code indicating if two structures compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second structure is not found [X]   m     f_cmp_rec   6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X]   m     r    hL2kFKd_ov     prot_ratio   r jmin. acceptable aggregate C/I ratio if less than 26dB   m  attch_gain_x    number of the attachment for the cross polar gain contour diagram   m  freq_min      m |minimum frequency in MHz (assigned frequency - half bandwidth)  hLVALxfreq_max      m |maximum frequency in MHz (assigned frequency + half bandwidth)  beam_name   Z Rdesignation of the satellite antenna beam   m     beam_old   l dprevious designation of the satellite antenna beam   m     cmp_beam   t lbeam name of the second beam if two beams are compared   m     f_steer    flag indicating if the beam is steerable (see No. 191) or reconfigurable   m     0pattern_id    unique identifier of the co-polar antenna radiation pattern in the reference table ant_type   m  attch_e_x    number of the attachment for the cross-polar antenna radiation pattern diagram   m  :pattern_id_x    unique identifier of the cross-polar antenna radiation pattern in the reference table ant_type   m  5sr_type    symbol indicating the type of the sensor A  active, P - passive, where applicable   m     af_tx_vis    inicator specifying whether the space station only transmits when visible from the notified service area   m     tx_ang_min   4 ,in case of non-continuous transmission the minimum elevation angle above which transmissions occur when space station is visible from the service area   m  0& attch_alpha_beta    number of the attachment for explanation when angle alpha and beta cannot be provided   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      #LVAL3MR2ValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByOrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatDecimalPlacesInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredDisplayControlOrientationDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    Q^LS!c      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice    m   lat_fr   ^ Vlower limit of the latitude range [degrees]    m  nbr_op_sat    maximum number of non-geostationary satllellites transmitting with overlapping frequencies to a given location within the latitude range    m   lat_to   ^ Vupper limit of the latitude range [degrees]    m  change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      LVALMR2OrientationOrderByOnRequiredColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDescriptionDecimalPlacesValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewField FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueIMEModeIMESentenceModeSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTyper    [q9B@T     plan_id      m & Plan identifier    ntwk_pack      m < 4Network Package identifier    coord_prov      m   RR provision    agree_st      m ( Agreement status    ific_no       m IFIC number   adm      m 6 .Affected administration    ntwk_org      m N FAffected international organization    'LVAL7MR2OrientationOrderByOnDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDDefaultValueValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUID FormatInputMaskCaptionSmartTagsIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompression         B  B      B  B   aO*JN seq_no   T Lsequence number for this itu_scraft_id   m     itu_scraft_id   V NUnique identification of the spacecraft   m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()  % &   'freq_sym   0 (should probably be G  ( m % & )  freq_min   < 4start frequency in a range   m  freq_max   8 0end frequency in a range   m  LVALMR2OrderByOnOrientationDefaultView8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldBackTintBackShadeThemeFontIndex8AlternateBackThemeColorIndex"AlternateBackTint$AlternateBackShadeBDatasheetGridlinesThemeColorIndex8DatasheetForeThemeColorIndexColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlTextAlignAggregateTypeResultTypeCurrencyLCIDAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByGUID FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTags         B  B      B  B   $U\nC%0h itu_scraft_id   J B unique identifier of the notice   m    ntwk_name   h ` commercial name of the satellite network system   m       lsp_name   N Fname of the launch service provider   m       vehicle   < 4name of the launch vehicle   m        d_exe   X Pdate of execution of the launch contract        facility   > 6name of the launch facility   m       mfct_name   8 0name of the manufacturer   m       d_exe_m   J Bdate of execution of the contract        nbr_sat   @ 8number of satellite procured   m    d_deliv           d_launch           change_ts   (  timestamp column ( Now()      LVALMR2OrientationOrderByOnDefaultViewRequiredColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesDisplayControlDescriptionAllowZeroLength$UnicodeCompressionValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderBy FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    N[@ަI^      ntc_id      m^ VIncoming (interfering) network identifier  ntwk_pack       m  < 4Network Package identifier    ntc_id_aff  e    m> 6Affected network identifier  pbeam_name       m  2 *"MSPACEg" beam name    aff_ch_pfd       m  \ T"PFD affected channels" - down-link only    pfd_exc_max      mZ RMaximum PFD excess value - down-link only  aff_ch_epm  `     m  < 4EPM/OEPM affected channels    $epm_c2i_dgr_max  b    mX PEPM/OEPM (BSS) or C/I (FSS) degrad. max.  aff_chs  `     m  b ZFinal list of channels identified as affected    pfd_exc      md \Max. PFD excess for final list of aff.channels  epm_dgr      ml dMax. EPM/OEPM degr. for final list of aff.channels  freq_band  e     m  b ZFreq. band - for "merged" Up-link Plans/Lists    change_ts   ( timestamp column  Now()      -LVAL ?MR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredDisplayControlAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueOrientation FilterOrderByDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePickerr    bblBML爴[      grp_id      mD <unique identifier of the group  ctry      mT Lsymbol of country or geographical area     change_ts   ( timestamp column  Now()      MR2(ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByOrderByOnDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewSmartTagsIMEModeIMESentenceModeversion_no      mV NMajor version of the database structured_version    b ZDate of the version of the database structure  General Date  comment      m * "... as applicable  f_db_use      m "N" H @N=NSL, S=SRS, W=WIC, I=IFIC, etc  '    "version_no_sub      mh `Minor (or sub) version of the database structured_update   h `Date of data creation or most recent data update  General Date   %LVAL CMR2$AccessVersion Build6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectCpgConversionProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar&Theme Resource Name 09.50 P    w           MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldDisplayControlSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionShowDatePicker grp_id     D <unique identifier of the gorup m   seq_no     & sequence number m  stn_cls     (  class of station m     nat_srv     * "nature of service m     r     ?( \K% 0_     change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()       vcO<<) ͌͟͟ y  e R   Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp   $ $ Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp $   Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp    Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp  | | Tt[??=?l-~7t^;Hh}KnUI]$-icgؓ]&FQFWE)ffHT[}#m)2\薓^EJp _LVALoMR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValue FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControlOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker ntc_id     F >unique identifier of the notice m  strp_id     < 4serial number of the strap m  act_code     p hcode indicating the action to be taken on the entity m     freq_symup      ~symbol indicating kilohertz [K], megahertz [M] or gigahertz [G] m     freq_up     | tassigned frequency of the uplink forming part of the strap m  freq_symdn      ~symbol indicating kilohertz [K], megahertz [M] or gigahertz [G] m     freq_dn      xassigned frequency of the downlink forming part of the strap m  r    )~aC/8AX     f_cmp_rec   6 .code indicating if two records compared are equal [E], have basic differences [B], have non-basic differences [N] or the second record is not found [X]   m     ?beam_up    designation of the satellite receiving antenna beam associated with the uplink frequency   m     beam_dn   r jdesignation of the satellite receiving antenna beam associated with the uplink frequencydesignation of the satellite trams,itting antenna beam associated with the downlink frequency   m     change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      LVAL)MR2OrderByOnColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescriptionRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControl FormatDecimalPlaces FilterOrderByValidationRuleValidationTextInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueOrientation$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePickerr    ?y3     coord_prov   x preference to provision of the RR, Appendix or Resolution   m     ?agree_st    code indicating if the coordination or agreement has been obtained [O] or requested [R]   m      adm   d \country symbol of the notifying administration   m     qntwk_org    symbol of the organization operating regional or international networks (Table No. B2 of the Preface to the IFL)   m     aff_ntc_id   ^ Videntifier of the notice affected/affecting    m   st_aff   l dprocessing status of the affected/affecting notice   m      ntc_id   F >unique identifier of the notice    m  sat_name   : 2name of the space station   m     1f_cause    code indicating that the network has been identified as causing [C] interference   m     - f_rec    code indicating if the network has been identified as receiving [R] interference   m     ctry   N Fsymbol indicating geographical area   m     ntf_rsn   ^ Vnotification reason of the affected network   m     coord_st   N Fflag indicating coordinat{ LVAL ion status   m     long_nom    nominal longitude of the space station, give '-' for West '+' for East    m  change_ts   (  timestamp column  Now()      d_prot_inc         R Jdate protection of the incoming group wic_no     wic no of CR    m  LVALMR2$AccessVersion Build6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectCpgConversionProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields>Show Navigation Pane Search Bar&Theme Resource Name 09.50 P    w           MR2ColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDecimalPlacesRequiredAllowZeroLengthValidationRuleValidationTextDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnDisplayControl$UnicodeCompressionDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeIMEModeIMESentenceModeShowDatePicker ntc_id     F >unique identifier of the notice m  coord_prov     t lrefernec to provision of th RR, Appendix or Resolution m     ?agree_st      code indicating if the coordination or agreement has been obtained [O] or requested [R] m      seq_no     & sequence number m   adm     d \country symbol of the notifying administration m     ntwk_org      symbol of the organization operating regional or international satellite networks (Table No. B2 of the Preface to the IFL) m      wic_no      the number of the WIC in which the list of assignments was most recently published m  r     TA Ù͊3     ctry   N Fsymbol indicating geographical area   m     coord_st   N Fflag indicating coordination status   m     change_ts   (  timestamp column Now()      "SN3 ^1 [ 0  m H ) x Y 2  | Y 4  u >  7|_<b=uN)N#nItr_provntr_aff_ntw|strapysrv_clsvsrv_areassrs_ooakosps_results lscraft_cmr_syst($iscraft_cmr_freq($fsat_sys_provn$ bsat_oper]s_beamZs_as_stnVres49_selSpwr_ctrlPpub_ssnMprovnHplanDpl_strapAphase>ovrl_epm;orbit_lnk8orbit5ntc_memo1ntc_lnk_ref .ntc_lnk+notice(non_geo%ngma"MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8MSysNavPaneGroups,(MSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:MSysModules2"MSysIMEXSpecs$ MSysIMEXColumns($MSysAccessXML$ MSysAccessStorage,(mod_charmask_lnk2mask_lnk1mask_infolink_epmhor_elevhistorygrp_lnkgrp gpubgeo ~freq{fdg_refvex_op_grpsemissoe_stnle_srvclshe_as_stnee_ant_elev`e_ant dummy]diag_grpZcost_recovQcom_elNcmr_systJcmr_noticeFcmr_history Ccmr_grp_lnk @carrier_fr<c_pfd8beam_tr5attch1assgn-ap30b_tr_res"*ap30b_ref_se"'ap30b_ref_agg$  ant_type rebuild*&ant_typealloc_idadm_assocgrp MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects $9p(L h  8 T  p $ @ s0Jn*\O<Rq: j n #RRAUS18%%% i n #RRAUS17%%% h n #RRAUS16%%% g n #RRAUS15%%% f n #RRAUS14%%% e n #RRAUS13%%% d nRRAUS12XXX*%% c n #RRAUS11%%% b n #RRAUS10%%% a n #RRAUS1$$$ ` n #RRARG1$$$ _ n #ERREC-694APEREC005V015'' ^ n #EORREC-580APEREC004V017))  ] n #ERREC-509''' \ n #EORREC-465APEREC003V017))  [ n #ERREC-1295APERR_010V016(( Z n #ERREC-1213APERR_007V016(( Y n #ERREC-1091((( X n #ERR2TESAPERR_011V013%% W n #ERR13TESAPERR_009V014&& V n #EORNDAPEND_099V012$$  U n #ERMODTESAPERR_010V014&& T n #ERMIX2APELUX205V012$$ S n #ERMIX1APELUX204V012$$ R n #ERDBL-TYP2APELUX201V016(( Q n #ERDBL-TYP1APELUX201V016(( P n #ERBIFROST-TES3APENOR209V01:,, O n #ERBIFROST-TES2APENOR208V01:,, N n #ERBIFROST-TES1APENOR207V01:,, M n 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