File Number: ITC-T/C-20060103-00001 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: 01/27/2006 | Callsign: None | Action Taken PN Date: 02/16/2006 | Streamlined: Y | Term Begin Date: None | Environmental Impact: None | Term End Date: None | Status: Action Taken Public Notice | Date Filed: 01/03/2006 | Red Light: N | | Status Date: 02/16/2006 | | Last Action: Grant of Authority | Last Action Date: 02/10/2006 | Grant Date: 02/10/2006 | Bond Date: None | DA #: 06-360 | Adopted Date: 02/15/2006 | Released Date: 02/15/2006 |
Applicant: | Contact: Benjamin W. Bronston | Horizon Telecom, Inc. | Nowalsky, Bronston & Gothard, APLLC | 3993 Howard Hughes Parkway | 6300 West Loop South | Suite 250 | Wuite 395 | Las Vegas, NV 89109 USA | Bellaire, TX 12207 USA
Description: Application for consent to transfer control of the international section 214 authorization, ITC-214-20031009-00473, held by Horizon Telecom, Inc. (Horizon), a Nevada corporation wholly owned by Deborah Secrest, a U.S. citizen, from Deborah Secrest to Robe |
FROM: | TO: | Deborah Secrest | Robert Sorrentino
| 3993 Howard Hughes Pkwy. | 651 High Street
| |
| Las Vegas, NV 89109 USA | Burlington, NJ 08016 USA