File Number: ITC-T/C-20051208-00514 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: 01/13/2006 | Callsign: None | Action Taken PN Date: 01/19/2006 | Streamlined: Y | Term Begin Date: None | Environmental Impact: None | Term End Date: None | Status: Action Taken Public Notice | Date Filed: 12/08/2005 | Red Light: N | | Status Date: 01/19/2006 | | Last Action: Dismissed at Applicant's Request | Last Action Date: 01/05/2006 | Grant Date: None | Bond Date: None | DA #: 06-84 | Adopted Date: 01/18/2006 | Released Date: 01/18/2006 |
Applicant: | Contact: None | Telscape Communications, Inc. | SAME AS APPLICANT | 1149 S. Hill St | SAME AS APPLICANT | Suite H400 | | Los Angeles, CA 90015- USA | , USA
Description: Application for consent to transfer control of the international 214 authorization, ITC-214-20010815-00433, held by Telscape Communications, Inc. to Scorpion Capital Partners, L.P., (Scorpion). Scorpion is controlled by a single general partner, Scorpion |
FROM: | TO: | Telscape Communications, Inc. | Scorpion Capital Partners, L.P.
| 606 E. Huntington Drive | 505 Sansome St.
| | 9th Floor
| Monrovia, CA 91016 USA | San Francisco, CA 94111- USA