File Number: ITC-T/C-20041001-00390 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: 10/22/2004 | Callsign: None | Action Taken PN Date: 11/12/2004 | Streamlined: Y | Term Begin Date: None | Environmental Impact: None | Term End Date: None | Status: Action Taken Public Notice | Date Filed: 10/01/2004 | Red Light: N | | Status Date: 11/12/2004 | | Last Action: Grant of Authority | Last Action Date: 11/05/2004 | Grant Date: 11/05/2004 | Bond Date: None | DA #: 04-3574 | Adopted Date: 11/10/2004 | Released Date: 11/10/2004 |
Applicant: | Contact: | EarthLink Carrier, LLC | HOGAN & HARTSON | 2851 Charlevoix Dr SE Ste 209 | 555 13th Street, N.W., #800E | | | Grand Rapids, MI 49546- USA | WASHINGTON, DC 20004-1109 USA
Description: Application for consent to transfer control of the international section 214 authorization held by Interstate Fibernet, Inc., File No. ITC-93-279 (international switched resale) from the current controlling shareholders of its 100 percent direct parent c |
FROM: | TO: | Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe VIII, L.P. | ITC^DeltaCom, Inc.
| 320 Park Avenue | 5 Wall Street
| Suite 2500 |
| New York, NY 10022-6815 USA | Burlington, MA 01803 USA