File Number: ITC-ASG-20150723-00182 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: None | Callsign: None | Action Taken PN Date: 08/20/2015 | Streamlined: P | Term Begin Date: None | Environmental Impact: None | Term End Date: None | Status: Action Complete | Date Filed: 07/23/2015 | Red Light: N | | Status Date: 08/20/2015 | | Last Action: Consummated | Last Action Date: 08/20/2015 | Grant Date: 08/19/2015 | Bond Date: None | DA #: 15-924 | Adopted Date: 08/19/2015 | Released Date: 08/19/2015 |
Applicant: | Contact: John Kuykendall | Amherst Telephone Company | JSI | 120 Mill St | 6404 Ivy Lane | PO Box 279 | Suite 200 | Amherst, WI 54406- USA | Greenbelt, MD 20770 USA
Description: Notification filed July 23, 2015, of the pro forma assignment of international section 214 authorization, ITC-214-20050428-00176, held by Tomorrow Valley Communications (Tomorrow Valley) to its 100% direct parent, Amherst Telephone Company (Amherst), effe |
FROM: | TO: | Tomorrow Valley Communications | Amherst Telephone Company
| P.O. Box 279 | 120 Mill St
| 120 Mill Street | PO Box 279
| Amherst, WI 54406-0279 USA | Amherst, WI 54406- USA