File Number: ITC-ASG-20130215-00042 | Accepted For Filing PN Date: 04/12/2013 | Callsign: None | Action Taken PN Date: 12/19/2013 | Streamlined: N | Term Begin Date: None | Environmental Impact: None | Term End Date: None | Status: Action Taken Public Notice | Date Filed: 02/15/2013 | Red Light: N | | Status Date: 12/19/2013 | | Last Action: Grant of Authority | Last Action Date: 12/17/2013 | Grant Date: 12/17/2013 | Bond Date: None | DA #: 13-2426 | Adopted Date: 12/18/2013 | Released Date: 12/18/2013 |
Applicant: | Contact: | Infosat Able Holdings, Inc. | GOLDBERG GODLES WIENER & WRIGHT LLP | 160 Elgin Street, Ste. 2100 | 1025 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, NW | | STE 1000 | Ottawa, USA | WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA
Description: Application filed for consent to the assignment of assets held by Glentel Corp. (Glentel), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Glentel (USA), Inc., to Infosat Able Holdings, Inc. (Infosat). Pursuant to the terms of an Asset Purchase Agreement, Glentel will sell |
FROM: | TO: | Glentel Corp. | Infosat Able Holdings, Inc.
| 1201 3rd Avenue, Suite 3400 | 160 Elgin Street, Ste. 2100
| |
| Seattle, - USA | Ottawa, USA