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United States Patent 3,556,514
January 19, 1971



Printed labels which are to be introduced into the cavity of a mold for synthetic plastic material are applied to the peripheral surface of a hollow cylindrical transfer member in response to movement of the peripheral surface against a deformable tape which is held in stressed condition and yields when the transfer member is moved against its upper side whereby a label which is placed between the tape and the transfer member is applied to the peripheral surface of the transfer member to be thereupon held thereon by suction during introduction into the female die of the molding machine. The electrostatic charge of the label is destroyed prior to application to the peripheral surface, and the label is thereupon electrostatically charged by one or more metallic strips which are applied to the peripheral surface and are connected to a source of high-voltage electrical energy during application of the label to the peripheral surface of the transfer member.

Inventors: Guenther Stockmann (Uchte, DE)
Assignee: Dr. Ing. Fritz Sommer NACHF, Ludenscheid, Federal Republic (
Appl. No.: 04/764,782
Filed: October 3, 1968

Foreign Application Priority Data

Oct 04, 1967 [DE] 1,652,452

Current U.S. Class: 271/8.1 ; 264/484; 271/194; 425/174; 425/174.8E; 425/500; 425/504
Current International Class: B29C 45/14 (20060101); B65h 005/10 ()
Field of Search: 271/8,74,10,54,14 264/22 18/5(B)

References Cited [Referenced By]

U.S. Patent Documents
2396988 March 1946 Cutler
3324508 June 1967 Dickinson
Primary Examiner: Evon C. Blunk
Assistant Examiner: Joseph Wegbreit
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Michael S. Striker


1. In a method of manipulating bodies of flexible sheet material, particularly of inserting printed labels into the female die of a molding machine for synthetic plastic material, the steps of placing a body of sheet material between a shape-retaining first surface and a deformable second surface; and moving one of said surfaces against the other surface to thereby effect deformation of the second surface and simultaneous

2. The steps as defined in claim 1, wherein said first surface is convex.

3. The steps as defined in claim 1, and the additional step of maintaining the second surface in substantially undeformed condition prior to movement

4. The steps as defined in claim 1, and the additional step of subjecting

5. The steps as defined in claim 1, and the additional step of holding said

6. The steps as defined in claim 1, wherein said one surface is said first surface and the additional step of subjecting said second surface to elastic tensional stresses so that the deformed second surface conforms to the outline of said first surface in response to movement of said first

7. The steps as defined in claim 1, and the additional step of folding the marginal portions of the body against said first surface in response to movement of said one surface against said other surface, said first mentioned portion of said body being located between said marginal

8. The steps as defined in claim 1, and the additional step of destroying the electrostatic charge of the body prior to movement of said one surface

9. The steps as defined in claim 1, and the additional step of electrostatically charging the body in response to application of said

10. In an apparatus for manipulating bodies of flexible sheet material, particularly for inserting printed labels into the female die of a molding machine for synthetic plastic material, a combination comprising a deformable presser element of flexible material; and a transfer member having a peripheral surface and movable in a direction against one surface of said presser element whereby a body of sheet material which is located between said surfaces is applied to the peripheral surface of said transfer member in response to latter's movement against said one surface

11. A combination as defined in claim 10, further comprising means for

12. A combination as defined in claim 10, further comprising a pair of deflectors arranged to engage and to fold the marginal portions of the body against said peripheral surface in response to deformation of said

13. A combination as defined in claim 10, wherein said presser element comprises two end portions and further comprising movable carriages each

14. A combination as defined in claim 13, further comprising guide means for said carriages, said carriages being movable toward and away from each other along said guide means, and means for biasing said carriages away from each other to thereby subject the presser element to elastic

15. A combination as defined in claim 14, wherein said carriages are arranged to move toward each other in response to deformation of said presser element by said transfer member whereby said biasing means urges the body of sheet material against said peripheral surface when said

16. A combination as defined in claim 10, wherein said transfer member is hollow and is provided with port means extending through said peripheral surface thereof, and further comprising suction generating means arranged to draw air by way of said port means during movement of said transfer member against said presser element to thereby hold said portion of the

17. A combination as defined in claim 16, further comprising a source of compressed gas and means for connecting said port means to said source when such port means are disconnected from said suction generating means so that gas issuing from said port means segregates said body from said

18. A combination as defined in claim 10, further comprising means for electrostatically charging the body which is applied to said peripheral

19. A combination as defined in claim 18, wherein said charging means comprises at least one metallic strip provided on said peripheral surface and having outwardly extending projections engaging the body which is applied to said peripheral surface, and means for connecting said strip to

20. A combination as defined in claim 10, wherein said transfer member is reciprocable along a predetermined path and further comprising a pair of deforming members flanking said path and arranged to deform intermediate portions of said presser element in response to movement of said transfer

21. A combination as defined in claim 20, wherein said deforming members are equidistant from said path and wherein each of said deforming members is arranged to engage the presser element along the full width of the presser element, at least when the latter is deformed by said transfer

22. A combination as defined in claim 21, wherein said presser element has end portions extending outwardly beyond said deforming members and further comprising a pair of carriages each connected with one end portion of said presser element and each movable toward the adjoining deforming member in response to deformation of said presser element on movement of said

23. A combination as defined in claim 22, wherein the distance between one of said carriages and the adjoining deforming member at least approximates the distance between the other carriage and the other deforming member.

24. A combination as defined in claim 10, wherein said presser element comprises a pair of end portions and further comprising a pair of carriages each supportingly connected with one of said end portions, said carriages being arranged to move toward each other in response to deformation of said presser element, and a pair of deflectors, each carried by one of said carriages and each arranged to fold one marginal portion of the body against said peripheral surface in response to

25. A combination as defined in claim 24, wherein each of said deflectors is pivotable with reference to the corresponding carriage about an axis which is normal to the direction of reciprocatory movement of said

26. A combination as defined in claim 24, further comprising a pair of stationary deforming members flanking said transfer member and each having an end portion abutting against said presser element, at least while the latter is deformed by said transfer member, said deflectors having free end portions which are adjacent to the end portions of said deforming

27. A combination as defined in claim 26, wherein the marginal portions of the body of sheet material are arranged to rest on the end portions of said deflectors in undeformed condition of said presser element, said presser element being located at a level below and said transfer member being normally located at a level above said deflectors.

The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for manipulating labels or like sheetlike bodies. More particularly, the invention relates to a method and apparatus which can be resorted to in the application of labels or like sheets which carry symbols representing advertising matter, scales, instructions, designs, trademarks, warnings and/or other information which can used to designate the nature, mode of using and/or other characters of preferably plastic articles to which the labels are secured, either permanently or temporarily. Still more particularly, the invention relates to a method of applying labels to the peripheral surface of a preferably cylindrical transfer member which can be employed to deliver labels or like sheetlike bodies into a mold prior to filling of the mold cavity with a charge of plasticized material which is to form a cup, a box, a bottle or another plastic article.

It is often necessary to introduce labels or similar sheet-like bodies into the female dies of molding machines [as shown in the German Auslegeschtift 267,832] which are employed to form plastic articles. The labels must be introduced into the interior of a molding machine prior to introduction of plasticized material so that they adhere to or are embedded in the plastic mass before the mass hardens. As a rule, such molding machines comprise a female die which receives the label and thereupon cooperates with a male die to define a mold cavity for reception of plasticized material. To my knowledge, no apparatus are known in the art which can accurately and rapidly introduce labels or the like into the cavity of a mold for the purpose of insuring that the label is inserted in a predetermined position, for example, in such a way that it extends around the periphery of a solid or hollow cylindrical, conical, spherical and/or otherwise configurated plastic article.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a simple method of rapidly and accurately applying labels to a transfer member which can be employed to introduce labels into a female die or a like receptacle or carrier for labels.

Another object of the invention is to provide an apparatus which can be utilized for the practice of the just outlined method and which is capable of applying to the transfer member labels of any desired size, shape and/or consistency.

A further object of the invention is to provide a fully automatic apparatus which can apply labels to convex cylindrical or otherwise configurated surfaces of transfer members and which can apply the labels gently, without smudging and preferably in such a way that each label surrounds at least the major part of a preferably cylindrical peripheral surface of the transfer member.

An additional object of the invention is to provide an apparatus which can manipulate labels consisting of highly flexible or relatively stiff metallic, plastic, paperlike or other material, or of a combination of such materials.

Still another object of the invention is to provide an apparatus which can apply blank (unprinted) labels or which can be used for application of labels provided with symbols representing trademarks, decorative designs, instructions and/or other indicia.

One feature of the invention resides in the provision of a method of manipulating bodies of flexible sheet material, particularly of inserting labels in to the female die of a molding machine for synthetic plastic material. The method comprises the stops of placing an imprinted label or a like body of sheet material between a shape-retaining first surface (which preferably constitutes the peripheral surface of a hollow cylindrical transfer member having a configuration complementary to that of the female die) and a deformable second surface (preferably the upper surface of a flexible tape or presser element whose end portions are held by carriages which are biased away from each other to subject the tape to elastic tensional stresses and which can move toward each other in response to deformation of the median portion of the tape), and moving one of the surfaces against the other surface to thereby effect deformation of the second surface and simultaneous application of at least a portion of the body to the first surface. The first surface is preferably convex, and the method preferably comprises the additional step of maintaining the second surface in substantially undeformed condition prior to movement of the one surface (preferably the first surface) against the other (second) surface. Once the body of sheet material is applied to the first surface, it is preferably held against such first surface by suction, at least until the transfer member enters the female die of the molding machine. Since the second surface is preferably subjected to elastic tensional stresses, this second surface conforms to the outline of the first surface in response to movement of the first surface against the second surface (and more particularly against the label which is placed between the two surfaces by a suitable label dispensing and feeding unit of any known design).

If desired or necessary, the marginal portions of the label can be folded against the first surface in response to movement of the one surface against the other surface so that the first mentioned or median portion of the label is applied to the first surface in response to deformation of the second surface and that the marginal portions of the label are simultaneously applied to the remainder of the first surface. The electrostatic charge of the label can be destroyed prior to movement of the one surface against the other surface to prevent adherence of the label to the deformable second surface, and the label can be electrostatically charged to adhere to the first surface during application to such first surface.

The novel features which are considered as characteristic of the invention are set forth in particular in the appended claims. The improved apparatus itself, however, both as to its construction and its mode of operation, together with additional features and advantages thereof, will be best understood upon perusal of the following detailed description of a specific embodiment with reference to the accompanying drawing.


FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of an apparatus which embodies the invention, a label being shown in a position ready for application to the peripheral surface of a cylindrical transfer member;

FIG. 2 illustrates the apparatus of FIG. 1 with the label in a first stage of application to the peripheral surface of the transfer member;

FIG. 3 illustrates the apparatus of FIGS. 1 and 2 with the label in the final stage of application to the peripheral surface of the transfer member;

FIG. 4 is a top plan view of the transfer member; and

FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a molded article with a label incorporated therein.


The apparatus of FIG. 1 comprises a stationary base or main support 3 for a pair of upright holders or carriages 1, 2 which are reciprocable along ways provided on the base so that they can move toward and away from each other. Helical springs 4, 5 or analogous biasing means are provided to urge the carriages 1, 2 away from each other and to the outer end positions determined by the length of a flexible weblike or tapelike presser element 6 whose end portions are preferably adjustably and readily separably affixed to the carriages. The presser element 6 (hereinafter called tape for short) extends at a level above and abuts against the rounded upper end portions of two upright deforming members 7, 8 which are fixedly mounted on the base 3 in the space between the carriages 1 and 2. Thus, the distance between the deforming members 7, 8 is constant. The distance between the member 7 and the carriage 1 is preferably the same as that between the carriage 2 and member 8.

The carriages 1, 2 respectively support two pivotable leverlike deflectors or arms 9, 10 which extend toward each other i.e., toward the adjoining deforming members 7, 8. The arms 9, 10 serve to support marginal portions of a label 11 when the carriages 1, 2 are free to assume their outer end positions shown in FIG. 1. The axes about which the arms 9, 10 can pivot are normal to the longitudinal direction of the tape 6.

The transfer member of the apparatus comprises a hollow cylinder or drum 12 which is mounted in the space between the deforming members 7, 8 and is movable up and down as indicated by the double-headed arrow 12a. The drum 12 is maintained in a horizontal position and the means for moving it up and down may include a mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical drive. The mantle or shell of the drum 12 is formed with annuli of ports 13 and its interior constitutes a chamber which can be connected with a suction fan 14a or the like by way of preferably flexible pipe 14 containing a suitable regulating valve 14b (see FIG. 4). The valve 14b can connect the chamber of the drum 12 with a compressor 14c or another suitable source of compressed gas when the chamber is disconnected from the fan 14a, or vice versa. The peripheral surface of the drum 12 is provided with metallic strips or rings 15 which have radially outwardly extending metallic pins or analogous projections (not specifically shown) adapted to be connected with a source of high-voltage electrical energy by way of conductors 16 (FIG. 4).

The round end portions of the deforming members 7, 8 engage the underside of the tape 6 and the length of each of these end portions at least equals the width of the tape.

The operation:

Prior to being placed onto the arms 9, 10 in a manner as shown in FIG. 1, the electrostatic charge of the label 11 is destroyed by any suitable means, not shown. The means for feeding the label 11 from a stack or dispenser onto the arms 9, 10 is of conventional design and its construction forms no part of the present invention. The drum 12 is maintained in raised position so that it does not interfere with the feeding of labels onto the arms 9, 10.

In the next step, the drum 12 is caused to move downwardly toward or against the tape 6 and to the position shown in FIG. 2 whereby the lower part of its rigid shape-retaining peripheral surface engages the median portion of the label 11 and moves such median portion into engagement with the median portion of the upper surface of the tape 6 so that the latter is deformed by the members 7 and 8 and causes the label to be applied to the peripheral surface of the drum. Such application of the label is assisted by suction which is effective through the ports 13, i.e., the valve 14b is then moved to a position in which it connects the chamber of the drum 12 with the suction fan 14a. As the tape 6 undergoes deformation in response to downward movement of the drum 12 toward and beyond the position shown in FIG. 2, the carriages 1, 2 move toward each other, i.e., toward the respective deforming members 7, 8 and cause the springs 4, 5 to store energy. The free ends of the arms 9, 10 move toward each other in response to movement of the carriages 1, 2 toward the deforming members 7, 8 whereby such free ends pivot and deflect the marginal portions of the label 11 upwardly so that a larger part of the label is caused to move into contact with the peripheral surface of the drum 12.

The drum 12 continues to move downwardly toward (and if necessary beyond) the position shown in FIG. 3 whereby the median portion of the tape 6 undergoes progressively increasing deformation and causes a progressively increasing part of the median portion of the label 11 to abut against the peripheral surface of the drum. The free ends of the arms 9, 10 continue to pivot and to move toward each other to thus effect further flexing of the marginal portions of the label 11 toward and into contact with the peripheral surface of the drum. The length of the label 11 can (but need not) be selected in such a way that the label ultimately surrounds the entire peripheral surface of the drum 12 or that one of the marginal portions even overlaps a part of the other marginal portion. Of course, the marginal portions of the fully applied label 11 can remain spaced, at least slightly, from each other. Suction established in the chamber of the drum 12 in response to such manipulation of the valve 14b that the drum is connected with the fan 14a suffices to insure that the label adheres to the peripheral surface of the drum 12 while the latter is thereupon returned to and moved upwardly beyond the position shown in FIG. 1. Such upward movement of the drum 12 enables the springs 4, 5 to contract and to return the carriages 1, 2 and the tape 6 to the positions shown in FIG. 1. The springs 4, 5 subject the tape to elastic tensional stresses and maintain it in substantially undeformed condition when the drum 12 reaches or moves upwardly beyond the position shown in FIG. 1.

The drum 12 is then ready to transfer the label 11 into the female die of a mold for plastic articles or the like. The cavity of the female die is preferably surrounded by a surface which is complementary to the peripheral surface of the drum. The valve 14b continues to connect the drum 12 with the fan 14a during such transfer of the label 11 to make sure that the label retains its cylindrical shape, i.e., that it continues to adhere to the peripheral surface of the drum. In the next step, the valve 14b is adjusted so as to connect the chamber of the drum 12 with the compressor 14c whereby the ports 13 discharge jets of compressed gas which cause the outer side of the label 11 to abut against the internal surface of the female die. The circuit of the pins on the rings 15 is thereupon completed so that the label 11 is electrostatically charged and is thereby caused to adhere to the internal surface of the female die in an accurately determined position. The drum 12 is thereupon withdrawn from the female die so that the latter can cooperate with a male die to form therewith a mold cavity which is filled with plasticized material. When the thus introduced material sets, its external surface is provided with the label 11 which can carry advertising matter, one or more graduated scales, designs representing trademarks or other indicia of the owner or manufacturer, lettering or instructions to use or to otherwise manipulate the articles, and/or other symbols. The symbols are applied to the outer side of the label 11, at least when the material of the label is neither transparent nor translucent.

The drum 12 is ready to accept a fresh label 11 as soon as it is withdrawn from the female die so that it can be wrapped into such fresh label during the formation of an article in the mold.

The operation of the means for feeding the labels onto the arms 9, 10 of the apparatus shown in FIGS. 1--4 and of the molding machine can be programmed so that the aforedescribed steps are carried out in a predetermined sequence and in a fully automatic way. FIG. 5 shows as an example of a moulded article with a label 11 incorporated therein or bonded thereto a drinking cup 17 formed of plastic material by an injection moulding machine whereby the outer side of the label 11 forming the outer circumferential surface of the cup 17 has a design of triangular sections 18, 19 which are alternately colored black and white. This design is part of the outer side of the label 11 which forms a homogene unit with the injected plastic material.

Without further analysis, the foregoing will so fully reveal the gist of the present invention that others can, by applying current knowledge, readily adapt it for various applications without omitting features which fairly constitute essential characteristics of the generic and specific aspects of my contribution to the art.

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